Monday, May 17, 2010

Some Rain...Some Pain...

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We had a bit of damp and lovely precipitation today. The sun did peek through a bit around noon, but for the most part the day has been pleasantly muggy. Early this afternoon, some thunderstorms did grace me with their presence. Condo shaking rumblings preceded the rain. The picture would definitely illustrate things well if it were possible to include sound. Bummer.

It has become clear that the pressure generated by inclement weather messes with my arthritis. Last bit of rain we had in the last few weeks had me racked with excruciating pain and hardly able to move without intense agony. My pain pills did eventually help, but they do take time (and they never fully alleviate things...just make them bearable). Suppose it's better to have to wait a little bit for relief, than to just suffer...which is what I did (and still do) most of the time. Had been keeping an eye on the forecasts lately. When I saw that we were going to get hit with more rain, I decided to try taking a pain pill before the extreme pain and stiffness set in. So far my experiment seems to be a success.

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Something I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before is the bubble on my elbow (yeah, that's it in the picture above). Don't know if the picture really gives a clear idea of what it's like. It's a big swollen bubble of fluid over the bony point of my elbow. Feels really creepy if you press on it. Like it's filled with silicone gel or something. Well, it could be a little mushier than that. It just feels like my bone has liquefied or something. Oh! My bones are fine. lol They're in there where they're supposed to be. It's been that way for a few months. Probably longer. No idea how long it was like that before I noticed it. I just happened to touch my elbow one day, and it freaked me out quite a bit that I couldn't feel my bone. The oddest aspect of it is that it doesn't hurt. No pain at all. I hurt everywhere else, but my weird spongy elbow is a-OK. Go figure. I plan to show it to the doctor I see at the clinic here the next time I go in for something. Hate going there, but I'm old. Got conditions that require medication...not taking the meds is not an option for me. Call me crazy, but I prefer not to be dead. (Geez, it feels like half of my blog is me droning on and on about my health...moving right along...)

As of a couple of months ago, the Hollywood Video store we rented movies from went out of business. What would've been our fall back rental store also went out of business. Not really wanting to have to make a pilgrimage to rent a DVD, we decided NetFlix was our best option. We wouldn't have to go anywhere, and can hop on the Internet to reserve movies. Well, add them to our 'queue'. I think I'll miss not being able to get more than one title at a time like we did when we visited the rental store, but so far it seems to be a hassle free process. We got our second film in the mail today. "The Fourth Kind", with Milla Jovovovo...vovo..vovich. I'm sure I'll be disappointed (as I am with most films dealing with alien abduction), but the trailers looked pretty good. Yes...I will give a full report after I see it.

Now, if you will excuse me...I need to go shake my arms over my head because my hands have gone numb again. Woo hoo...

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