Monday, May 24, 2010

Morning Mist...

Last night brought rain that was accompanied by intense rumblings of thunder. Some of the booming claps sounded like cannons, and were punctuated by brilliant flashes of blue-white light through the trees. (We experienced one crack of thunder which obviously involved some pretty mean lightning...the area went into blackout for several seconds. Thankfully the electricity came back on.) It was wonderful. Some rain and more subtle thunder carried through the night. I've been up again, so I've noticed the trailing rumble of thunder rolling by all night.

It's almost 7:00am now. Usually by this time, it's much brighter outside. This morning when I look out the big window in the kitchen I don't see the brightening sky. I see a much darker, mist shrouded opening to the day. It's very green here, but at this particular moment out there in the muted light the greens are deep and beautiful. It almost looks like a retouched photograph. Like it can't possibly be real. Since moving here, I've become a bit of a shutterbug. Look for any opportunity to snap a photo. This morning was no exception. Had to try and take something that would capture the moodiness out there.

I've got some sweats and a t-shirt on, so I slipped into my flip-flops and headed out the front. (Not before putting on a pot of java though...I've got my priorities.) It being rather early, there weren't really any sounds of neighbors moving about. Perfect. As I scoped around for the perfect shot, the plaintive call of a fog horn floated through the fog. I stopped for a moment and listened. It was kind of moving in that setting. Very melancholy. Like something of mysterious origin searching through the thick moist shroud hanging over the marshes. Wonder if it knows what it searches for? Since I'm a bit disheveled, I really didn't expect to venture too far away from the condo. Acceptable photos weren't really presenting themselves out in front of the building, so I was drawn down to the edge of the marshes. They edge the cul de sac just a hop and a skip from my front door, so I let myself be drawn. That's where I snapped the above pic. It's really beautiful down there. If I knew a spell to keep this weather at a 24/7 constant, I'd be casting it right now. I find it so inspiring. So comforting. I think some writing is in order today.

Now for a hot cup of joe...

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