Friday, May 14, 2010

For no particular reason...

I'm just feeling the need to post something...... Insomnia is paying me an unwelcome visit tonight. Correction. This Morning. I'm stressed and I'm not stressed at the same time. Stress pops up and serenity boots it away. Could be worse I suppose. I could be a walking aneuryism. That's a place I make a point to stay clear of. It's tough at times. I've got all of these aches and pains that often keep me from being able to do anything. It changes from day to day in terms of severity, but so it is with RA. Muscles seize up on a pretty regular basis, but I'm able to get stuff done intermittently. When my hands are in cooperation mode, I think I could be in the running for the world record of 'speed chores'. I never finish off everything I want/need to do, but some is better than none. So the RA garbage coupled with current stress could drive me batty. But I'm not letting it. Giving that stuff power isn't worth it. Some positive changes are coming my way any day now, so that's what I focus on. No turkeys getting me down. Stress just ain't healthy. It's all good.

Hmmmmm...okay what to prattle on about now? How about TV? Wednesday night was ep 3 of 'Happy Town'. Really digging it. It fulfills certain preferred criteria for me (the oddity and mystery factors), and it has me guessing. Makes me want to tune in next week. Nice to have a show do that. Sam Neill is doing a bang-up job as the most mysterious character. But then he's always good. Never seen him put up a bad performance.

Last night was the season finale of 'Supernatural'. Great stuff. Like the dark aspect of the show, and the humor. Good casting, too. We knew Sam was going to say 'yes' to ol' Lucifer. Well, I did anyway...was obvious. (Sam Winchester was Lucifer's 'vessel'...Dean Winchester was supposed to be Michael's, but he wasn't about to say yes...only way the vessels could be taken...had to be willingly.) Knew the Four Horsemen's rings were going to be used to open 'the box' (i.e. hell) so they could toss Lucifer back in and stop the Apocalypse. When I say toss I mean once Sam was inhabited by Lucifer, he'd open hell, and jump in. Didn't go exactly as planned, but they got Lucifer down the hole. What I didn't see coming was Michael going into the hole with him. Dun-dun-dun. The episode ended with Dean turning away from being a hunter and starting a family. Dean's sitting at the table with his gal and their pulls back to show a lamp post. Guess who? Sam is standing there. Not supposed to be possible, but then it would really suck if they killed him off. He's a main character for Pete's sake! Looking forward to next season.

Tonight's a new 'Ghost Whisperer'. From the previews, it looks like Melinda and the hubster are having marital difficulties. That would really suck since he went to all that trouble to jump in another guys body for her. The previews mislead viewers anyway. Editing. Then after GW, a new 'Stargate Universe'. An evening of new TV...woo hoo...

Next week is the final episode of 'Lost'. Will be interested to see how they tie everything up. They've got a lot to tie.

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