Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Moon...New Day...

By the clock, it's about ten minutes and change to the official time for June, 2010's, New Moon. It's a Gemini moon. Makes sense. I've been experiencing a duality in my emotions and decision making processes lately that speaks to the twin energies. Today is off to a mellow start, so maybe this often maddening trend is on the way out. I hope.

Just got back from a walk. Had another sleepless night. This time Glen was up for most of it. Said he wasn't very sleepy and didn't know why. Think I'm at least partly responsible. Power of suggestion. It was in the neighborhood of 5:00am when I looked out the back windows and saw the misty gray outside. There was just the slightest hint of the dawn creeping in. I was immediately hit with the desire to take a walk before the serious burgeoning of the suns' rays began. The 'sleepies' had finally claimed Glen, so he was gearing up to hit the sack while I transitioned from jammies to jeans. Tied my shoes, grabbed some fresh batteries from the fridge (this little camera really drains the juice outta those double-A's...I've made the mistake of leaving the house without a back-up pair before), and headed out. I moved as quickly as I could, but still didn't make it out the door before it had started to really lighten up. Oh well...better luck next time.

I started off by heading down to the marsh bank. One of my regular paths. I was in the process of enjoying the morning view, got off a couple of shots, and then the air assault began. Rather aggressively, mosquitoes started dive bombing me. Looking at my arm now, I can see raised areas on my skin where the little devils got me. And, of course, one nailed me right in the middle of my forehead. After a minute or two of this, I decided to head back up to the asphalt of the condos to see if that would get rid of my attackers. For the most part it did.

It was so quiet out there. Since it was early, I didn't see anybody. Not one person. Very nice. I mean, I do like people...there are just some times when it's nice to go on a solo adventure and enjoy it without even the most minor of interruptions. Snapped a few more pictures as I headed down pond way. Wanted to check out the happenings there. See if any of the wild birds that inhabit the marshes were hanging out. As I came from between the buildings on the ponds edge, I saw one dark gray, long legged bird...a heron maybe. That was it. Not even the ducks were around. (I've gradually been able to get a little closer to the ducks each time I see them. Not that I go over there every day, but I guess I frequent the area there enough that they don't see me as a threat of any kind.) The heron was watching the water pretty intently. It did appear that there might be bird vittles below the surface. Signs of life popped up and spread in the form of growing, circular ripples. Like when a raindrop hits a pool, but in the reverse...if that makes sense. I watched for a minute to see if I could tell what was under, turtles...but didn't see anything. Then I noticed the rising sun. A bright, burning ball of orange on the horizon. Absolutely beautiful. Breath taking even. Definite photo op. I snapped off quite a few. Think I got some neat ones.

Seemed like time to head back to home base, so I left the pond and circled around the buildings. As I turned a corner in the drive I spotted a couple of my feathered buddies. Two Mallards pecking away at someones license plate on the front of their beamer. I snapped off a few pics of them, and they humored me. After the ducks, I encountered a feline I hadn't seen before. He was obviously not of the feral variety, but was still not into the idea of saying 'hello'. He just stood there looking back over his shoulder in a 'you talkin' to me?' manner. Took his picture anyway...think he might be another cyborg cat...shiny eyes...

So, I came home to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, with my clothes feeling a hair heavier and holding the slightest hint of dampness from the humidity. Haven't looked at the weather for today yet, but I expect it'll get toasty. We've had "a 30 -50% chance of thunderstorms" in the daily forecasts for a few weeks now. I'm constantly crossing my fingers. Some days it pays off. Others, not so much. Oh, the sky does rumble quite a bit some days, but no rain. I really can't complain though. I get my rain quota filled far better here than I ever did in Los Angeles. I did check today's forecast last night and it said we've got a 50% chance day today. Knock wood.

Guess I'll have another cup of Joe before I prep myself for a grocery store run. Glen is out of quiche, so I need to get more eggs. I make so many quiches, I'm sure I can make them in my sleep. Glen's breakfast of choice.

Well, the new moon time has passed. Time to...enjoy the rest of my day. Moving right along...

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