Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lights, Camera, Taters...

Today it happened. I've been in Savannah for a bit now, and have officially had my first Paula Deen encounter. Well, indirectly...

I popped out to grab a newspaper for Glenn, and decided to hit the Circle K next to the produce stand I go to. Taking the back way, I noticed that there were more cars than usual parked haphazardly along the side of the mini-mart. The design of the parking spaces in front can be tricky at the best of times (the spaces are too close to where the gas pumps are, so it's difficult to nose a vehicle the size of the truck into a space if anyone is pumping gas), so I hooked a right at the corner and headed around the front to the other entrance in front of the produce stand. As I turned the corner I realized that there wasn't going to be a hassle free entrance at all. After a quick reassessment, I decided to brave the situation since I was already there.

Davis Produce was buzzing with the manic energy of a film crew. A large glare screen was across the parking spaces in front, various light stands stood here and there, a tent with various articles of film equipment and most likely producers stood off on the side by the do-it-yourself car wash, production crew were hustling around like the little worker bees they are, and I proceeded to have a few flashbacks. Having worked in the entertainment industry for a number of years...heck, having lived in L.A. for a number of years, this scene is one I'm all too familiar with. Wasn't sure what sort of production was happening, but it did look like Davis was open for business. After a few minutes of playing dodge-em cars, I angled into a parking space and approached the chaos.

As I said, the situation was one I'm very familiar with. I walked up to the area where the employees were and asked for the few things I potatoes, green beans, and lemons. While the nice girl behind the counter bagged my stuff up, I scoped out the activity in back. Couldn't see a whole lot. Just a crowd of crew facing into the fenced in area in back where they have the plants for sale. I asked the girl what they were shooting, and she said something for Paula Deen. Bazinga! I perked up a little jazzed about the prospect of my first Paula Deen sighting. (In retrospect, with my reaction you would've thought I was going to see Bigfoot or She then quickly corrected wasn't PAULA Deen, it was one of her sons. At that moment, a member of the production staff came over and asked us to be really quiet because they were about to start shooting. I had just paid for my stuff, so I stood there to observe.

The 'son' being filmed was Jamie Deen. I think he might be the older brother. Well, he's the taller one anyway. He came strolling down the center of the stand carrying a young boy, who I believe was his son. Jamie recited his scripted lines, grabbed the prop veggies he needed to grab, and interacted with his son who obviously wasn't 'into' the whole thing. The director yelled cut, Jamie put his son down, and proceeded to say how he "fu...screwed up his lines". Hehehe...

I've been trying to get in the habit of taking the camera with me when I go out because I never know when there might be a photo op of some kind. Well, guess what? I didn't have the camera with me. So I came home, grabbed the camera, and went back by. The picture I was able to snap (the one above) did get the aftermath of the actual shoot...there was still some equipment up, but the fat lady had obviously sung. The breakdown was in full swing.

Let me just say that it's not because I'm a huge fan of Paula Deen that I want to see her in person. It's so the next time someone I know asks me if I've seen her I can say, "Yes...yes, I have."

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