Monday, June 21, 2010

Coffee Talk...

It's a hair shy of 5:00am. Strong pot of Joe piping hot in the kitchen, and some face time with the computer monitor. With sleep being at a low right now (well, at night anyway), I've been endeavoring to occupy my mind with...well, things that'll occupy my mind. There would probably be a bit more television in the mix, if early-EARLY morning TV didn't suck. I've never jumped on the infomercial train, so that's out. As much as I enjoy 'Roseanne' and 'The Nanny' (yeah, I'm not afraid to admit it...I've chuckled at 'The Nanny'), I've seen all of the episodes more times than I can count. Mainly because they've been the main viewing fair in the wee hours for quite awhile now. I do sometimes flip over to BBC America's news (since ours stinks), but for the most part I hop on the computer to pass my time. There is more interactivity, and I can update myself on the news stories I'm interested in. Catch up on NPR pieces I may have missed.

On a personal level, things are good for the most part. I really love it here in Savannah. Yeah, the heat and humidity can really kick a gal square in the patootie, but it's part of living in the South. I'm not smack-dab in the middle of the action here like I was in West Hollywood (I was about to type 'WeHo', but that term has always been nails on a chalkboard to me). There everything and anything was in walking distance. I did do a lot of daily walking there, but my physical ailments weren't in full swing yet. Whenever I'm feeling up to it, I do get out for little constitutionals here and there. Enjoy nature and snap some photos. I've learned that the humidity levels greatly effect my arthritis. The time I really notice a physical reaction is when we're gearing up for a storm. Glenn has a pain reaction to the pressure created by stormy weather, and it appears that I experience that, too. It would figure that one of the things I love most in the world (rainstorms) causes me extreme joint stiffness and pain. I do have pain and stiffness all the time. Frequently it gets so bad I can hardly stand it. I deal with it as best I can (pain meds and time mostly). Some things in life just are what they are...kind of have to accept it and move along.

There are a couple of areas where my life is in a state of flux. It's been a major source of stress, exacerbated by a couple of outside forces. But I'm coping best I can. It's all pretty much over and things are going to pick back up. It's just the last little bit of living on tenterhooks that's gnawing at me at the moment. Living where I do, not having my own mode of transportation, no jobs to be had in my immediate vicinity. Just...stressful. But, as I said, it's all about to change. Finally. Woo-hoo!

I've been crafting a story for an idea I have. Something that poses potential difficulties. The Internet is a vast arena. It holds a lot of creative opportunity. My idea is to write an novel, if you will. Post a new chapter each week. I've read other peoples material online. Written works, comics, etc. I've got all of my basics together in terms of what the story is to be about, etc. The one thing I'm concerned about is 'material theft'. My first thought when the idea hit me, was that I would just start another blog here on Blogger that would be specifically for my writing. Seemed the easiest path. Me being me, I 'Googled' "original written material and Internet security". Not surprisingly, original material theft is a very commonplace problem. Plagiarists doing the old 'copy & paste' deal, and signing their name to it. I'm not an egoist when it comes to my writing, but the idea of some unknown person copying my material for their own personal use (or gain, for that matter) makes my skin crawl. There are some small things one can do from a basic legal standpoint (a widget to attach your name, etc. to your material, so if anyone does steal it your info will stay glued to the bottom). There were a few other minor steps, but it all left me feeling disappointed. I really want to do this. From an entertainment perspective (I'd really enjoy it...and hope readers would enjoy it), but mostly from a creative one. It would also be an excellent motivational tool. Basically, I'm finding myself beating my head on the wall of uncertainty. How the hell do I pull this idea off, and in a relatively secure way? Don't get me wrong. If someone is going to try and rip you off, they're going to do it. I just want to set up a site that I can post my work to, knowing that I've done as much as I can to protect it. Some web sites you visit have a sign-in page. Things are laid out to you. You have to agree to certain terms before clicking an "accept" button. Something like that would be ideal. I'd be comfortable with that. Here's the difficult part: I'm pretty computer savvy, but there's a lot about HTML design that escapes me. I have figured out coding for certain things and have been able to Frankenstein my way through it, but the realm of web site design is an overwhelming one for me. Another element is I need to set something up that won't cost me anything. I also 'Googled' free web hosting...found some sites, but quickly became lost. Yeah, the sites I investigated have layouts you can use, but none of them fit my bill. The formats were all wrong. If I could find something that is more of a simple set-up like my Blogger page where I can plug stuff in if I need to, and that will allow me to add on a sign-in of some sort...well, I'd be in Fat City. If anyone reading this has any thoughts or recommendations on where I can go to set my little project in motion, well lay it on me!

Just heard my 'Dawn Alarm'. Don't know what kind of bird it is, but whenever I hear it sing I know that the gradual introduction of sun will be starting up soon. (Just grabbed the last of the hot coffee...To brew, or NOT to brew~that is the question...) Can see the faint ghost of the moss covered trees out back. For awhile now, I've been wanting to go out for photos around this time. Love taking moody pictures. The moodier, the better. Hmmmmm....maybe tomorrow...

Think I'll go check out BBC America. Catch a little news. Maybe get some perspective from their side of this BP nightmare. Anybody that sees my postings on their Facebook newsfeeds knows this is a subject I've been watching closely. NPR has reported that Britons have been having harsh words about the US, saying that we're being mean to them...worded like that it comes across a tad juvenile, but the fallout from catastophes like this one usually is. Haven't watched BBC News in awhile. Could be interesting.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Two Favorite Dads...

Just wanted to give a quick shout out for my dad, Jerry Patrick Brown, and my brother, Michael Blazek Brown. Happy Fathers day to both of you, and to all of the other dad's out there.

Now for a few photos from my meager archives...thought I'd share a few photos of my two favorite dads...some of which I may hear

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lights, Camera, Taters...

Today it happened. I've been in Savannah for a bit now, and have officially had my first Paula Deen encounter. Well, indirectly...

I popped out to grab a newspaper for Glenn, and decided to hit the Circle K next to the produce stand I go to. Taking the back way, I noticed that there were more cars than usual parked haphazardly along the side of the mini-mart. The design of the parking spaces in front can be tricky at the best of times (the spaces are too close to where the gas pumps are, so it's difficult to nose a vehicle the size of the truck into a space if anyone is pumping gas), so I hooked a right at the corner and headed around the front to the other entrance in front of the produce stand. As I turned the corner I realized that there wasn't going to be a hassle free entrance at all. After a quick reassessment, I decided to brave the situation since I was already there.

Davis Produce was buzzing with the manic energy of a film crew. A large glare screen was across the parking spaces in front, various light stands stood here and there, a tent with various articles of film equipment and most likely producers stood off on the side by the do-it-yourself car wash, production crew were hustling around like the little worker bees they are, and I proceeded to have a few flashbacks. Having worked in the entertainment industry for a number of years...heck, having lived in L.A. for a number of years, this scene is one I'm all too familiar with. Wasn't sure what sort of production was happening, but it did look like Davis was open for business. After a few minutes of playing dodge-em cars, I angled into a parking space and approached the chaos.

As I said, the situation was one I'm very familiar with. I walked up to the area where the employees were and asked for the few things I potatoes, green beans, and lemons. While the nice girl behind the counter bagged my stuff up, I scoped out the activity in back. Couldn't see a whole lot. Just a crowd of crew facing into the fenced in area in back where they have the plants for sale. I asked the girl what they were shooting, and she said something for Paula Deen. Bazinga! I perked up a little jazzed about the prospect of my first Paula Deen sighting. (In retrospect, with my reaction you would've thought I was going to see Bigfoot or She then quickly corrected wasn't PAULA Deen, it was one of her sons. At that moment, a member of the production staff came over and asked us to be really quiet because they were about to start shooting. I had just paid for my stuff, so I stood there to observe.

The 'son' being filmed was Jamie Deen. I think he might be the older brother. Well, he's the taller one anyway. He came strolling down the center of the stand carrying a young boy, who I believe was his son. Jamie recited his scripted lines, grabbed the prop veggies he needed to grab, and interacted with his son who obviously wasn't 'into' the whole thing. The director yelled cut, Jamie put his son down, and proceeded to say how he "fu...screwed up his lines". Hehehe...

I've been trying to get in the habit of taking the camera with me when I go out because I never know when there might be a photo op of some kind. Well, guess what? I didn't have the camera with me. So I came home, grabbed the camera, and went back by. The picture I was able to snap (the one above) did get the aftermath of the actual shoot...there was still some equipment up, but the fat lady had obviously sung. The breakdown was in full swing.

Let me just say that it's not because I'm a huge fan of Paula Deen that I want to see her in person. It's so the next time someone I know asks me if I've seen her I can say, "Yes...yes, I have."

Friday, June 18, 2010

Waves of Emotion...

Yesterday was a day of high emotion for a lot of people. A hearing took place to find out what happened to cause the botched Gulf well, what is being done to seal the botched Gulf well, and what provisions are being made to help the victims of the gout's of oil billowing out of the botched Gulf well. This is pass number three at this blog entry. Thoughts of the Q&A with BP's CEO have been hanging towards the front of my gray cells since it took place, and the slightest touch on those thoughts sparks the embers of a rant. I don't want this entry to be a rant. This entry is about the above photo.

The photo is from a few months ago. A short trip over to the Tybee Island beach. I see the images on TV and the Internet that show a virtually vacant coastline marred by the murky streaks and large gummy masses of unrefined oil making its way onto the land along the Gulf coast. It made me think of my coastline. Where I live here in Savannah is right on the Atlantic. This morning while channel surfing for something at least marginally watchable, I remembered the pictures I had taken on our coast. So I came in here and opened the file containing my Tybee pictures. This photo stood out. The white froth of the waves lapping onto the sand. Even now when I gaze at it I can hear the relaxing roar of the waves. I can see the gulls, wings outstretched as they ride the thermals, calling out to each other in that melancholy seagull way. The coolness of the winds in deep contrast to the heat of the sun. A smell of salt spray hanging in the air. Then I thought of something greatly lacking in the Gulf coast images. People. Children building sandcastles and racing the waves up the sand. Moms reading trashy novels under broad brimmed sunhats. The colorful dots of beach umbrellas here and there. Teenagers throwing Frisbees back and forth or tossing around a football. None of that. Life as the inhabitants of the Gulf Coast know it has changed. For the foreseeable future. That doesn't just make me angry, it makes me sad.

I tried to Google a trajectory for the oil spill. Mainly, how it's advancing on the Florida panhandle. I have some great memories of a vacation I took when I was in the seventh grade. A good friend of mines mom invited me to go to Fort Walton Beach with them. The moms boyfriend owned a condo right on the beach. It was beautiful there. The sand was so white...they called it Sugar Beach, as I remember. I imagine that the oil spill will tarnish its sands just like the other beaches it has reached.

I look at my coast and I try to imagine what it would be like to have happen here what is happening for my neighbors...and I can't. I mean, I can imagine that it's a horrific thing to witness and be affected by.

But it's probably a lot worse...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Moon...New Day...

By the clock, it's about ten minutes and change to the official time for June, 2010's, New Moon. It's a Gemini moon. Makes sense. I've been experiencing a duality in my emotions and decision making processes lately that speaks to the twin energies. Today is off to a mellow start, so maybe this often maddening trend is on the way out. I hope.

Just got back from a walk. Had another sleepless night. This time Glen was up for most of it. Said he wasn't very sleepy and didn't know why. Think I'm at least partly responsible. Power of suggestion. It was in the neighborhood of 5:00am when I looked out the back windows and saw the misty gray outside. There was just the slightest hint of the dawn creeping in. I was immediately hit with the desire to take a walk before the serious burgeoning of the suns' rays began. The 'sleepies' had finally claimed Glen, so he was gearing up to hit the sack while I transitioned from jammies to jeans. Tied my shoes, grabbed some fresh batteries from the fridge (this little camera really drains the juice outta those double-A's...I've made the mistake of leaving the house without a back-up pair before), and headed out. I moved as quickly as I could, but still didn't make it out the door before it had started to really lighten up. Oh well...better luck next time.

I started off by heading down to the marsh bank. One of my regular paths. I was in the process of enjoying the morning view, got off a couple of shots, and then the air assault began. Rather aggressively, mosquitoes started dive bombing me. Looking at my arm now, I can see raised areas on my skin where the little devils got me. And, of course, one nailed me right in the middle of my forehead. After a minute or two of this, I decided to head back up to the asphalt of the condos to see if that would get rid of my attackers. For the most part it did.

It was so quiet out there. Since it was early, I didn't see anybody. Not one person. Very nice. I mean, I do like people...there are just some times when it's nice to go on a solo adventure and enjoy it without even the most minor of interruptions. Snapped a few more pictures as I headed down pond way. Wanted to check out the happenings there. See if any of the wild birds that inhabit the marshes were hanging out. As I came from between the buildings on the ponds edge, I saw one dark gray, long legged bird...a heron maybe. That was it. Not even the ducks were around. (I've gradually been able to get a little closer to the ducks each time I see them. Not that I go over there every day, but I guess I frequent the area there enough that they don't see me as a threat of any kind.) The heron was watching the water pretty intently. It did appear that there might be bird vittles below the surface. Signs of life popped up and spread in the form of growing, circular ripples. Like when a raindrop hits a pool, but in the reverse...if that makes sense. I watched for a minute to see if I could tell what was under, turtles...but didn't see anything. Then I noticed the rising sun. A bright, burning ball of orange on the horizon. Absolutely beautiful. Breath taking even. Definite photo op. I snapped off quite a few. Think I got some neat ones.

Seemed like time to head back to home base, so I left the pond and circled around the buildings. As I turned a corner in the drive I spotted a couple of my feathered buddies. Two Mallards pecking away at someones license plate on the front of their beamer. I snapped off a few pics of them, and they humored me. After the ducks, I encountered a feline I hadn't seen before. He was obviously not of the feral variety, but was still not into the idea of saying 'hello'. He just stood there looking back over his shoulder in a 'you talkin' to me?' manner. Took his picture anyway...think he might be another cyborg cat...shiny eyes...

So, I came home to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, with my clothes feeling a hair heavier and holding the slightest hint of dampness from the humidity. Haven't looked at the weather for today yet, but I expect it'll get toasty. We've had "a 30 -50% chance of thunderstorms" in the daily forecasts for a few weeks now. I'm constantly crossing my fingers. Some days it pays off. Others, not so much. Oh, the sky does rumble quite a bit some days, but no rain. I really can't complain though. I get my rain quota filled far better here than I ever did in Los Angeles. I did check today's forecast last night and it said we've got a 50% chance day today. Knock wood.

Guess I'll have another cup of Joe before I prep myself for a grocery store run. Glen is out of quiche, so I need to get more eggs. I make so many quiches, I'm sure I can make them in my sleep. Glen's breakfast of choice.

Well, the new moon time has passed. Time to...enjoy the rest of my day. Moving right along...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I Love A Rainy Night....

Well, I love a rainy night
I love a rainy night
I love to hear the thunder
Watch the lightning
When it lights up the sky
You know it makes me feel good

Well, I love a rainy night
It's such a beautiful sight
I love to feel the rain
On my face
Taste the rain on my lips
In the moonlight shadow

Showers washed
All my cares away
I wake up to a sunny day
'Cos I love a rainy night
Yeah, I love a rainy night
Well, I love a rainy night
Well, I love a rainy night


I love a rainy night
I love a rainy night
I love to hear the thunder
Watch the lightning
When it lights up the sky
You know it makes me feel good

Well, I love a rainy night
It's such a beautiful sight
I love to feel the rain
On my face
To taste the rain on my lips
In the moonlight shadows

Puts a song
In this heart of mine
Puts a smile on my face every time

'Cos I love a rainy night
Yeah, I love a rainy night
Ooh, I love a rainy night
Yeah, I love a rainy night


Showers washed
All my cares away
I wake up to a sunny day
'Cos I love a rainy night
Yeah, I love a rainy night
Well, I love a rainy night
I love a rainy night
Well, I love a rainy night
You can see it in my eyes
Yeah, I love a rainy night
Well, it makes me high
Ooh, I love a rainy night
You know I do, yeah, yeah
I love a rainy night

I love a rainy night
You can see it in my eyes.

...yep...that about covers it. Thanks for this one, Mr. Rabbitt.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Memorial Day has definitely been that. As is evident by the above picture, the weather has been a bit moody today. We had a couple of sprinklings of rain, but no cloud busters. On that count it was disappointing. The gray atmosphere out there wasn't though. I dig that.

Before I get to what I consider to be a beautiful day weather wise, I was feeling 'off'. Not under the weather, or wonky...over reactionary. I know I'm only 45, but I've suspected for about the last year that I've been gradually entering into my 'change'. I haven't gotten the official diagnosis from a doctor, but my hormones are telling me it's underway. There were a couple of instances today that are prime examples of what I'm talking about. The first was a burst of anger. I was really mad all of a sudden. Everything was pissing me off and I didn't know why. I was washing dishes and was mad at the dishes. Silly things like that. It started to subside a bit, but I decided to go out for a walk along one of my usual routes to try to unwind the rest of the way. Taking pictures is one of my most effective stress relievers. So I grab my tennis shoes and some socks, grab the camera, get some fresh batteries out of the fridge, and balancing all of it in my arms I head for the living room. I'm just about to leave the kitchen when I sense the collection of things I'm carrying go off balance. I'm fumbling trying to keep a grasp on everything and BAM! the camera falls to the floor. The tile kitchen floor. I'm freaking out. I quickly pick it up and race into the living room in a panic. The batteries in it are dead, so new ones have to be loaded before we can find out if it's working. Glenn handles it because, as I said, I'm freaking out. It turns on, but the zoom doesn't work. I feel myself entering into the realm of a nervous breakdown over this. What?! What the hell is going on? I even say to Glenn that I feel like I'm about to lose it and I have no idea why. It wasn't like me. At all. Sure, it was absolutely upsetting that the camera might be broken, but I didn't need to pop a blood vessel. Glenn and i fiddled with it a bit and found that the zoom switch would work if you used a certain touch with it. Suspect it only needs a small adjustment. This had me feeling a bit better. Since the camera was functional I decided to still head out for my walk. Decompression was a must.

The entire day had been overcast in varying degrees. I ventured up to the Kroger to get a few things around 4:00 and I wouldn't say the sky was angry, but slightly peeved. By the time I came out the sprinkling had begun. As evening approached the dim gray of inclement weather swirled closer. It was on the verge of dusk by the time I left for my walk. The clouds over the marshes were thick and swirling. A lot of beautiful patterns and textures happening that were made more interesting by various levels of light pushing through. I snapped a number of cloud pictures. The truly angry and brooding pictures came as it got darker. As the decreasing light and increasing clouds cast the trees into silhouette. It was all so relaxing and inspiring. It definitely sparked the creative corners of my brain. For awhile I've been toying with the idea of starting an online writing project. Create another blog and post new chapters to a story each week. There are some pictures from a few previous walks and some from this walk that have spawned different ideas that all kind of relate to one another. It's feeling like they're all starting to coalesce. At this point I'm still just toying with the idea though.

Geez, it's 4:01 in the A.M. Hopefully I'll conk out for a bit sometime soon. This up all night deal really blows...