Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tis the Season...

...for ghosts and ghoulies! Fall fell a short time ago, and it was welcome as always. The crispness of the air, the morphing of the leaves...the over all energy is just unlike any other time of year. It is the best time of year. Stress of one level or another has been a constant these days, but the impact is softened during the mellowness of Autumn. I haven't been feeling the best over the past several weeks...existing ailments and the ever present threat of a fever (wonky and achey) In some unseen way the energy and calm pervading everything is giving off some inarticulate soothing vibe. It allows me to relax when my brain doesn't want to let me. Also, as with every past Autumn, my creative juices are heightened. That's a very good thing. I have several things I'm working on, and with my minds various preoccupations it has been difficult to shift into writing mode. Historically, the best time for writing (for me) has been at night. It holds a conducive mood...a's just a very productive time. Autumn extends a similar 'night time' energy throughout the day. I wish it could be Autumn all year.

October is my favorite month. True, it has gotten extremely commercial. There are still traces of the way things were when I was a kid (jack o' lanterns, costumes, etc.). However, it is a shame that 'Trick or Treating' has become such a source of danger for a lot of children. Back in the 60's & 70's when I would get dressed up and venture out for treat begging with my friends, it was common place to go unchaperoned. A group of my friends and I could go door to door having a heck of a great time, and not have to worry about pedophiles or whizzing bullets. I suppose it's still how I remember things in some areas of the in Los Angeles for twenty years can make you a little jaded... I'm not sure what the trick or treaters will be like here in good ol' Savannah...Glenn has said that he doesn't really get any, but then he adds that he hasn't really been home on Halloween night...I plan on picking up some candy just in case. Would dig it if we did get some kiddies knocking on our door. Love seeing the costumes, especially if they're home made. That was one of the things I looked forward to each year. Figuring out what I wanted to be and then putting my get-up together. Good times.

Today is Sunday. The day of rest. So far so good. Hoping for something spooky on the tube this evening. Whatever it ends up being, it will be accompanied by the consumption of meat loaf and mashed taters.

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