Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Great Pumpkin...

Earlier today I ventured out on the daily "Savannah Morning News" run. Hit the Circle K on highway 80 which is basically a hop and a skip from here. Nine times out of ten, they'll have a copy of the paper when the other nearby sources are out. I did have another reason for making that my paper stop, and it's located right next door.

'Davis Produce' is a small family owned stand right next to the Circle K. I tried to stop in there yesterday, but they were closed. (I think I had noted that they were closed Mondays when I had been by there before, but it apparently had slipped my mind.) Today when I pulled up I received mixed messages. The metal doors were closed, but there were bins of pumpkins out front...hmmmmm...popped in the Circle K, grabbed a paper, and walked over to the stand for a closer inspection. As I was scoping out the various notices and signs on one of the center walls looking for stand hours, the door next to me flew up and the woman who owns the place popped out. Yep! They were open. She gave me a 'come on in' gesture and proceeded to tell me how they decided to open a little later than usual. Something about things getting kind of slow during the weekday mornings. I could see that. The parking lot is usually buzzing during the weekends. The fact that the stand sits between the C.K. and a do-it-yourself car wash adds to the bustle of activity. But, she was right. It was quiet when I got there. So quiet in fact that I was the only customer at first. Gradually others started pulling in...guess they received the same mixed message I had.

It's a great little place. Great quality and decent prices. My main goal was to get a pumpkin. They had a ton of pie pumpkins. The bigger more desirable pumpkins for Jack O'Lantern carving were fewer, and unfortunately a bit on the pricey side. Carving pumpkins is one of my favorite Halloween activities, but...sheesh! In the end your just buying a big squash/gourd to scoop out it's innards, carve a design in its side, and prop it in a window while it rots. I know that kind of takes the wind out of the All Hallows sails of the tradition, but...that's basically what we do. Or, if we don't prop it in the window, we sit 'Jack' outside our front door where a mischievious kid either stomps on it or hits it with a baseball bat. Of course, there is always the optional egg on your frontdoor, or flaming bag of dog poo that can follow the annihilation of your masterpiece...anyway, I opted for one of the smaller pie pumpkins. I've carved them before. They're a bit more challenging as to the smaller scale, but in my mind it just elevates the need for creativity. That spells 'F-U-N/FUN' in my book.

While I was there I checked out what other goodies they had to offer. They have such beautiful stuff. (Added some red potatos to my purchase.) My main goal in going there had been to purchase a pumpkin, but goal number two was to snap some pics for the ol' blog-o-reeno while I was there. Felt kind of weird whipping out my camera, so I asked the lady (whose name I don't know...should have asked...would have been the neighborly thing)if she minded if I took some photos of her produce. Flashing a big smile, she gave me the go ahead, so I started snapping. Got some rather nice ones. Like I said, their produce is beautiful...virtually un-marred.

Came home and got a few things done. Decided to take an early walk while the sun was still bright. Was able to snap a few pics, but my eyes don't do well in bright sunlight. Have trouble with the glare. I ventured a little farther past the pond I had visited before and found a picnic table in the shade of a bunch of trees. Sat there for a couple of minutes resting my eyes and looking out at the marsh. Was really peaceful. Stopped by to the see the ducks, but they were snoozing on the bank soaking up some rays. The camera batteries were pretty low by this point, so I trotted on home.

Still pondering the face for my pumpkin. Vascillating between whimsical and evil. Of course I could go with whimsically evil...oh well, it'll come to me.

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