Friday, October 23, 2009

This House Isn't Clean!!!!!!!!

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Today was pretty mellow. I dig mellow. Mellow is good. Didn't do a whole lot, but that would be preferable since I'm trying to shake off the vestiges of some shoulder and neck pain. I try not to pay too much attention to the pain I experience because it's at a constant these days in varying levels. I'm just glad that I didn't get hit with rheumatoid arthritis until I was in my mid-40's. Being a creative person, it was very unsettling when I was given the news because I have always used my hands to produce my...stuff. Whether I'm writing, painting, making dolls, or working on any of the other creative ideas that come to mind, my hands are always essential. I've grown accustomed to my ailment for the most part. I just deal with it as it comes.

Today was another beautiful day. The temperature was right around 80, but the influence of Autumn was still felt. The 80 degree weather of Fall doesn't compare with the 80 degree weather of Summer. The suffocating humidity isn't present for one thing. Just beautiful.

Didn't get out on my walk yesterday or today. I'm planning on taking a longer trek than usual to the post office tomorrow. Have a couple of things to post. I'm assuming that the post office is open here on Saturday. Living in Los Angeles for 20 years got me acclimated to certain things that don't apply here. I know banks aren't open on Saturdays, so...hmmmm...guess I better prepare myself in case the post office is closed...

Since it's October and the Halloween spirit is about, my mind has been rife with thoughts of the eerie and macabre. Been thinking about things that relate to the energy of All Hallows. Things that I enjoy. Today, my thoughts turned to one of my favorite film genres. That of the haunted house.

Several titles spring to mind when I think of films about haunted houses. Some more loosely based on the spooky structures than others, but haunted house films none the less. Decided to compile a list of some of those films here. Do I recommend them for your viewing pleasure? Most definitely. I was able to find trailers for most of them posted on good ol' YouTube!. There are a couple of more contemporary pieces in my list, but most of them are from the 60's and 70's. You might very well have seen some of them. Maybe my mentioning them here will prompt you to revisit them.

#1: "The Haunting" (1963) - If you've seen the remake from a few years ago with Liam Neeson, PLEASE block it from your mind and see the original. Based on the short story "The Legend of Hill House" by the brilliant Shirley Jackson, this was Robert Wise's first film after producing the film version of "Westside Story". It is shot in black and white, and that was by choice. It's a beautifully shot and well acted film that scared me when I was a kid and still creeps me out even though I've seen it more times than I can count. I highly recommend it.

#2: "The Innocents" Stars Deborah Kerr who you might remember from the musical film "The King & I" where she played Anna. Based on the book 'The Turn of the Screw' by Henry James, this is spooky fare. Children, a governess, ghosts...also a black and white film filled effectively with darkness and shadow. There are also some sexual under-tones that add to the creepiness of this film.

#3: "House on Haunted Hill" In the past few years, there was a remake produced of this film that isn't bad, but it doesn't compare to the original. Frequently unintentionally camp and funny, this film still has its creep factor. A great performance by the always memorable, Vincent Price.

#4: "The Uninvited" starring Ray Milland, Ruth Hussey, and Donald Crisp. Milland and Hussey play brother and sister who rent a beautiful house by the sea. Before long they discover that they're not alone. I wasn't able to get a movie trailer for this one. However, you can watch the film in its entirety on YouTube. Please note that it's in 11 parts...I gather that YouTube doesn't allow for videos longer than 10 minutes. I strongly recommend this one. Pretty sure you could find it for rent at one of your local video stores.

#5: "The Legend of Hell House" (1973) A wealthy old man buys the infamous Ballasco (msp?) house and hires a couple of psychics and a scientist to spend a weekend in the house to seek proof that there is life after death. The always great Roddy McDowall plays the only survivor from the previous expedition...all who participated in the first investigation met their death after leaving the house through one means (accident, suicide, etc.) or another. Clive Revill plays the scientist who will not be swayed in his convictions - he believes that science will disprove the paranormal. (On a side note, Clive used to shop in one of the grocery stores I frequented when I still lived in Hollywood...very nice and when I first met him, shocked that I knew who he was.)

#6: "The Changeling" George C. Scott is great in this. He plays a composer who has lost his wife and daughter in a tragic accident. He rents a historical home to get some peace and quiet to work on his latest composition. Turns out 'someone' is already living in the house...

#7: "The Sentinel" It has been years since I've seen this, but it sprang to mind when I was thinking of films of haunted abodes. Young woman rents apartment...let the screams begin! (Oh, and the only trailer I could find is in French...decided to post it anyway.)

#8: "The Others" Starring Nicole Kidman, this film actually made me jump a couple of times. That's really hard to do! The ending also hit me out of left field, and that's even harder to do. I'm a pro at being able to see where a film is headed and how it will end. (A favorite actor of mine, Christopher Eccleston, has a small part in this, too.)

#9: "Darkness" This one came out just a few years ago and stars Anna Paquin. Does it have a creepy factor? Yes! In spades!

#10: "The Ghost & Mr. Chicken" I loved this movie when I was a kid. A comedy starring the always great Don Knotts, it did give me a few chills as a youngster. But mostly laughs.

#11: "High Spirits" Castle Plunkett is not doing well. The castles drunkard owner (played by the wonderful Peter O'Toole) is in danger of losing his business ( he runs it as a hotel) to an american businessman. In a last ditch effort to save his ancestral home, he launches a new strategy: it's haunted. O'Toole heads up a cast full of notables in this one. Yes, it's pretty silly, but thoroughly enjoyable.

So there you go. Some movie recommendations for the Halloween season. I'm sure more will come to mind, but this is a fine list. Let me know if you see any of them...I'd love to know what you think. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

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