Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Halloween is Lurking...

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Today was fairly low-key for me. I didn't sleep very well because of shoulder pain and stiffness. Not sure if it's my RA, or the pinched nerve situation I have going on in my neck. Well, whatever the cause, it's pretty irritating. In more ways than one. When there's stuff to be done, I have a hard time sitting still. That was the case today. I did get a couple of small things accomplished, but I didn't push it. Between the shoulder issues, lack of rest, and my right hand going to sleep every five minutes...well, the day was what it was.

(On a side note, I'm rather pleased with myself. I'm finishing up on day 11 without inhaling any nicotine. Hasn't been as difficult as I was preparing myself for. I've quit smoking before. Didn't light up for eight years. For some reason I started up again. Hopefully this time it'll stick.)

Even though I have been in considerable pain throughout the day, I didn't let it keep me from getting out for my evening stroll. The temperature outside was a bit warmer, but there was still a bit of a chill in the air. Just enough to make me wear a jacket. Of course, just about everyone I encountered while wandering around were clothed in jeans and t-shirts. Some were wearing shorts. If I happened to catch their notice as I strolled past, I was given a few odd glances. I may have looked like a weather wimp in my jean jacket, but I had my reasons for putting it on. Normally I relish walking around in the cool air (sans jacket), but when my muscles and joints are acting up...well, the cool air makes things seize up. I have no desire to spend a night hunched over like Quazimodo. I did that last night.

Snapped a few pictures, but not many. I've kind of covered the basics so far on what's around here, and thought more pictures of the area here would just end up being redundant. Lots of trees, lots of there you go. Been getting in the habit of having the camera on hand in case an interesting photo op presents itself, but today was pretty dry.

My trajectory was a small condo development next to this one. A bunch of single level, two to a unit condos. Kind of like duplexes. It felt a bit sterile around there. Wooden fencing enclosing it and just a little to...orderly. Expected to see a Stepford Wife or two. I did notice that several neighbors are beginning to put out their Halloween decorations. Nothing special though. Yes, it's all in the Halloween vein, but just very...cheesey? Don't mean to be critical, but most of the items (fake pumpkins, smiling straw and burlap scarecrows, wind socks, etc.) looks like stuff from the 'Michaels' or 'JoAnns' reject bins. Yes, Halloween does have a whimsical side...I get that...but decorations should have a spooky quality, as well. Anyway, I wasn't impressed with the efforts so far, and of course everyone has to do things up to my standards. (Yes...that was sarcasm...)

When I came out of Stepford Land, I looped by a building in the development next over. The trees and vines were very thick there, and filled with the usual over abundance of spanish moss. As I stopped for a moment before heading back, I saw several small solid shapes move through the ferns and pine needles on the ground. Feeling eyes on me, I looked to my right. The small dark face of a cat was there one moment and gone the next. Think I mentioned before that there is a large population of feral cats around here. They have become a huge problem on Tybee Island, and the problem has apparently spread. I've seen a couple of the elderly women who live here leaving kibble out for them. Guess they don't know it's illegal to feed the wild felines. I'm sure they just see them as sweet little kitties, but those cute faced little cats are not petty-pet-pet cats. They'd rip your hand off before you could touch them. I've been told (and it makes perfect sense) that cats raised by people and indoors are permanently in the 'kitten' state. Feral cats (cats that grow up out in the wild without human contact) are fully matured cats. They grow up in packs, hunt...they're wild creatures. Don't know what sort of relationship the owned and domesticated cats have with their wild counterparts, but I have seen the feral ones hanging out with the raccoons that also live around here. Usually helping themselves to the communal garbage disposal unit we have near the entrance.

Decided to head back home to food and warmth. The route I took had me passing by the entrance to "Stephen King" trail. I re-ticked my mental note to take my trek back there (Glenn will be going with me...better to be safe than sorry). As I veered to the right, howls of rage and pain from more then one source emanated from the section of woods in the trails vacinity. Sounded like at least two cats...maybe a raccoon...engaged in battle. 'Creepy' doesn't even begin to describe the feeling that washed over me. In the dim light of the waning day, the crispness of the air just seemed unsettling and appropriate hearing the moans and wails piercing their way out of the forest. I know what manner of creature was producing the screams, but...they still sounded otherworldly, in a way. As I passed the trail and headed down the darkening bank behind the units, the noise stopped. Shook it off (it was pretty spooky) and enjoyed the calm and quiet back there in an area pretty much devoid of people. I did pass a screened in porch a couple of buildings down that showed signs of life. An older gentlemen sitting in what appeared to be a comfy chair with his feet up on an ottoman. Dog and cooler next to him, he looked up briefly from whatever he had been watching on TV. We gave each other a nod of acknowledgement, and he turned his attention back to his show. My guess would be either a football game, or the History Channel. Not much farther and I was home.

Hoping that tomorrow will bring me less pain and stiffness, and my right hand will be fully awake. I have a pumpkin to carve!

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