Friday, April 10, 2009

It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

73 Degrees & Sunny
Visibility: 9 miles
Wind: S 10 mph
Gusts: 20 mph
Humidity: 60%
Scattered Thunderstorms
Today marks my first 'official' Blog entry. I realize that Blogs are many things to different people. A creative outlet, a means to communicate the goings on in daily life, to express ones thoughts... All I gotsta say is that I will be experiencing an adjustment period. Writing just for the sake of 'writing' is something I haven't been too good at in the past. Most of the writing I've approached in a regular fashion have been plays/scripts, books, and the like.
It's been a really nice day today. Decided to venture outside and snap a picture that might illustrate just how nice it is. The above shot is from several feet up the river bank behind the abode here. A much nicer arrangement than my last digs. Having moved to Savannah at the end of November, 2008, from West Hollywood, CA, the change has been quite dramatic. Extremely welcome, too. I'm from Atlanta originally, so after spending just shy of 20 years in the Los Angeles area, I'm quite happy to have landed back on Planet Earth. That's the best way I can describe it. Life in L.A. will skew ones' sense of reality as to life everywhere else to the extreme. Too many people, too expensive...just too much of...everything, really. There isn't a daily/nightly barrage of helicopters buzzing overhead, so I no longer feel like I live in downtown Beirut. The din of cars (the noise of screeching breaks, engines revving as they speed by well above the speed limit, and voices raised in the throes of "Road Rage"), the wailing of sirens (a police station 1/4 mile to the west, and a fire station 1/4 to the east), noise from neighbors (loud parties of every conceivable type, dogs barking continually and in abject loneliness while their owners are away at the salt mines), and the yearly Gay Pride Festival (drag queens, and pumping dance/disco beats starting at 8:30 in the a.m. on a Sunday - they lined up for the procession on my street). Yeah, it was a hoot for awhile, but the 'charm' wore off awhile ago. Savannah is the flip-side. The differences are dramatic and many. The fact that I can walk out the screen door of the porch to take a picture of the pseudo-bucolic back area is just really nice. Trees, spanish moss, reeds, and a couple times a day the tide comes in changing the river from a mudflat to a...well, a river. I will most likely revisit the spot I took the above picture of when the tide does come in to illustrate the point. A phrase with the words "waiting" and "bated breath" comes to mind.

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