Friday, April 17, 2009

The Bonaventure

Yesterday, Glenn and I had talked about going to the Bonaventure today. We've been going to bed at the crack of dawn and sleeping till after noon lately, so don't know why I thought that would work. I ended up getting up at 1:00pm (jumpin' jehosaphat) and told him that I didn't see us making it after all (sigh). I hadn't had my coffee yet, so how could we possibly make it before the place closed? I regrouped and decided the procrastination had to end. I needed to get out and do something for corn sake. So once I got my act together, we headed out before 3:00 - the Bonaventure closed at 5:00, so we would have plenty of time. 15 minute drive and boom! we were there.

Since moving to Savannah at the end of November, '08, I've wanted to pay a visit to the Bonaventure Cemetary. Plans had been tentatively made, and passed over (I'm bad about procrastinating...). Today we finally made it there. I've known about it for some time. Known that it was a historical site; saw footage of it in "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" (known as 'the movie' here in Savannah). I've always had a "thing" about cemetaries...the older the better...and was not disappointed by this one.

It is so peaceful, moody, and old. A chunk of land covered with history. 300+ years old, it's covered by headstones, statues, and mausoleums. For me one thing that really added to the places impact were the massive and gnarled oak trees covered with spanish moss. (From what I understand, those trees are over 250 years old and part of the historical register.) Definitely appealed to my gothic side. I had Glenn's digital camera with me as I wanted to get some good photos. However, the sun wasn't cooperating with me. It was mid-afternoon and the sun was extremely bright and wouldn't stay out of my eyes. I just threw caution to the wind and snapped 20 or so pictures anyway. I must say that after downloading them to the computer and blowing them up, they didn't turn out half bad. If I can suss it out, I'll post some to the blog here.

The Bonaventure was a great time. Interesting to say that about a cemetary, but hey! I call 'em as I see 'em. After we walked around there for a bit, we headed out. Went to 'Tubby's Tank House', sat on the front porch, and had a cold one. Today was a good day.

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