Friday, February 12, 2010


We're about to have some more rain today (Friday). Fine by me. Can't really get enough of it. If it were to rain 365 days a year, I'd be totally fine with that. It helps my...well, my overall state of mind. My state of being. For some time I've needed that kind of emotional and mental assistance. Lots of stuff on my mind. Living on tenterhooks. Much of what I'm going through I can't really do anything about. Living in limbo...I hate that. It'll all be good soon, but things at the moment are rather tense (have been for far longer than I would like). Mentally and physically (my mental always has serious effect on my physical) I can definitely use whatever outside sources of stress relief that present themselves. If the rain wants to fall, well...I'm all over that.

The way the weather has been lately, we'll have a day or two of rain and a day or two of sun. The chill has returned to the air. It had started to warm up a bit for a couple weeks, but "Storm-agedon" (or whatever they're calling it) has brought the temps back down. My sister-in-law posted a few snappies of the snow up in Maryland (my bro and his family live in Dayton) and they've definitely gotten their share of the white stuff. From what I can tell in one of the photos where my brother is pictured clearing the driveway, the drift to one side looks a few feet high. Amazing. I know to a lot of people who've grown up with snowy winters it's not that big a deal, but to someone who grew up in Atlanta...well, it's something I've never personally experienced. Ice is about all we got. Three flakes of ice/snow would fall and they'd close the schools. (Well, that aspect of the storms didn't suck...hehehe.) The ice would weigh the electrical cables down which would then knock the power out. Remember tacking up blankets over doorways and getting out the fondue pot so we could cook things over Sterno (an electric stove isn't of much use in a power outage). Leaving a trickle of water dribbling from all of the faucets praying that the pipes didn't freeze. Frozen pipes really suck. Yes, you can't get any water for washing and cooking, but when there's more than one of you stranded at home and you can't flush...don't think I need to say more.) I don't really envy him the inconveniences that can happen during a snow and ice storm, but I do envy my brother getting the snow itself. There were a few times when I was young that I visited my grandparents in Nashville during the winter. It did snow a bit there, and it was just beautiful. Don't know if this makes any sense, but when the flakes would hit the ground they gave off a 'silent sound'. I know that's a completely contradictory description, but those are the words I've always used when describing falling snow. (I have also gotten odd reactions from people when I've said that it 'smells like rain.') Anyway, snow (minus the obvious drawbacks that can occur) is really a beautiful thing to see in person. That being said, I will take rain over snow any day.

Today's rain is supposed to commence around noon or so. The weather dude on whatever local news broadcast Glenn was watching said that there is a definite chance of some snow tonight. Of course, it won't stick. My guess is it'll disappear as soon as it hits the ground. From what I gathered, it's supposed to happen overnight when most people are snoozing. I'm sure I'll be awake for it (still not sleeping at night...argh), but since it'll be dark out I don't expect I'll be able to see anything. So much for a rare photo op. I'm just looking forward to more rain and the calming influence. I need to forge ahead with some online research for the book I'm writing.

Well, it's approaching 3:00 am. These days, for me, that translates into 'noon'. Believe I'll make a hot cup of something and get my stuff situated for research time. I find it difficult to concentrate on creative endeavors when my surroundings are in a disarray. It's distracting. Now...tea or coffee...decisions, decisions...

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