Friday, January 22, 2010


Went for one of my short little jaunts this evening. Wanted to get out before dark for some 'snappies' (pictures). It wasn't going to be a particularly long walk (my joints can't take the cold like they once could), but I knew being out in the cool air and a bit of nature would help my mind a bit. I've been under a considerable amount of stress for quite a long time now, and it has been especially bad over the last several months. It has spiked a bit recently. Some of my chief sources of stress will be negated soon, and that's just dandy with me.

Trees. As I was walking around this evening I was admiring the trees. Many of them are rather sparse right now because of the time of year, but for me that makes them all the more interesting to look at. For some reason the Rush song "The Trees" came to my mind and I wondered. What if trees had a consciousness? I know the song talks about a disagreement between the Oaks and Maples, but to me...trees are watchers. They stand there and observe. They do serve purposes to different forms of life (shade, home, etc.), but they just seem to be mellow and non-confrontational. They don't make assumptions about other trees' motives, bad mouth one tree to other trees that know that tree, threaten or cajole, twist the whisperings or rustlings of another tree to suit their needs. No. Trees are simple. Honest. I like trees.

Am I feeling a little melancholy? I was earlier. It is a bit hurtful when someone attacks your character. When they talk down to you and try to make you feel like crap. Yeah, I'm venting a little bit, but as you can see by this entry I'm not one to stoop to the same or a similar level. Details and names haven't been included because I'm not like that. I've been through a lot and a lot of it hasn't been easy. I've been going through all of this for a reason. I believe that everything happens for a reason. The light at the end of all of it is in sight, and that's what it's all about. I know how and who I am, just like my true friends and family do.

I'm going to sign off now. The final "Tonights Show" episode with Conan is starting...

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I can identify with Mickey Rourke's line from Barfly: "I don't hate people; I just feel better when they're not around." :-) Sorry you've had to deal with unkind people.
