Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mission Not So Impossible...

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Finally, the timing was right. Had the camera with me, fresh batteries in the appropriate chamber. Had it in the seat next to me, so no fumbling with the glove box latch. Camera powered on and lens opened.

I was coming back from the morning paper run and as I came around the bend by the trash compactor, I noticed a couple of the skinnier and somewhat skittish cats of the clan looking at me with huge eyes and raised hackles. Poised to dash into the bushes at any sign of approach. Wasn't interested in them, but their presence made me a bit more hopeful that Vinnie might be hanging about somewhere. As I neared the small stand of trees between the driveway and the transformers, I saw Vinnie. It was almost like he was waiting there for me. (Of course, I know he wasn't...sheesh...) Couldn't have planned the photo op any better. He was casually curled up, tail curled around him, cleaning himself. I had been rolling up slowly and he did take notice of the truck. He froze for a second and looked over at me...quite uneffected by the whole situation, really. (He has such a mellow vibe about him. Think he's probably lived that life all of his life. As long as the big pale creatures keep a respectable distance, he doesn't really care what they do. That kind of vibe.) I turned off the radio and cranked the window down, and he resumed his cleaning. I was at least 25 or 30 feet away, so I had to use the zoom to get a decent picture. It's a bit fuzzy and doesn't entirely show his coloring, and I'm not entirely sure if the pictures will convey just how big he is...well...take it from me. He's big.
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Okay, so I can now check that off of my list. Woo-hoo...


  1. He is one hefty, gorgeous chunk of feral lovin'! With green eyes like that, I'd follow him anywhere...

  2. He really is a gorgeous cat. Was hoping the pictures would show just how green his eyes are...they are actually about as green as the tree there. His calm demeanor makes you want to walk up and pet him, but he'd probably remove your hand. lol It was like he 'sat' for the pictures, and sensed when I was finished. Once I snapped the last one, he calmly turned and walked into the bushes.
