Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside...

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Yes, it is cold here in Savannah. Bitingly cold. (40 degrees at the moment.) So what do I do? Decide to go for a walk. No place new. Just around the condos, to revisit some of my usual photo spots. After all seasons change which in turn changes the weather. The result is always a visible one, too. Wanted to snap a few current pictures for the old blog here. Ansel Adams I'm not, but I work with what I got.

Walking is a peaceful practice for me. I really enjoy it. However, even though I threw on a sweatshirt, jacket, gloves, and a hat, the cold wind was able to knife its way in. Especially on my hands. I've really noticed that cold and my RA do not get along. At all. I've had to slip on my gloves when it was in the 50's. Next walk, I think I'll have to double up.

As expected, everything was brown. Dormancy and death fall over plant life...most of it will be reborn in the spring. Lots of cat tails over by the marshland stood tall and brown. The wind was particularly biting over there as there aren't very many trees and no buildings in the way. The ducks were paddling around on the pond, but this time they had company. A couple of herons, one white and one dark brown. Well, I know the white one was a heron...assuming the brown one was, too. After I left the pond, I walked around the end of a building to the parking area behind it and headed towards the mailbox kiosk. Wanted to check the mail before heading home. On the opposite side of the parking area are trees and vines. And cats. Couldn't see them, but I felt eyes on me. Think it's pretty much a given that anyone who's outside is being watched by a member of the local feral colony or 'clowder' (I looked it up and a group of cats is called a 'clowder'). I got proof that at least one set of eyes was watching me. An orange tabby with a white chest sat calmly watching me pass by. He didn't really flinch when I stopped to snap his picture, but I could tell he was coiled like a spring and would have sprung into the growth if there had been any sign that I was going to approach. Anyway, I finished my outting and headed home to thaw my hands out. They were so cold they hurt. Oh...and FYI...my orb spider friend, Spike, is still hanging in there. Was worried the groundskeeper crew would have trashed her web by now, but I've been pleasantly surprised.

Had a doctors appointment yesterday. Was just a regular check-up. I go in every couple three months because of my hyperthyroid condition. Yesterday was different. Met with Doctor Metz (an old southern doctor, and quite a character) and shared some things and asked some questions. He was quite pleased to hear that I 'kicked the habit'. (Something I have been afraid of was that I might have gained a few since I ceased with the stick gunning...I have. Guess what my next goal is...) We discussed a few other things and then he went over my meds with me. Had my bottles with me per usual, and he picked one up. The one that contained my PTU (propylthyoricil) for my thyroid. He then said, "I want you to stop taking these. Your thyroid has been looking really good." My heart shifted up towards my throat a bit. Stop taking my PTU? I said, okay, but I was slightly nervous about the prospect. I told him I was a bit nervous about doing that since in July of 2005 I was rushed to the UCLA ER in the throes of a thyroid storm that almost killed me. (I had been taken off of my meds by my L.A. Endocrinologist quite awhile before that and as I didn't have insurance and thought I was okay, failed to see her for a long time. Turns out I was far from okay.) I was all set to pick up a PTU refill I had called in once I finished with Doctor Metz, but apparently I wouldn't need to. He said to come on in if I have any problems, but to see him in two months. I still feel a little weird about not taking my thyroid meds. Don't get me wrong, if my thyroid is better...Yay! I'll be a happy camper. It's just that having a near death experience because I wasn't taking meds I needed to be taking, and now being told to stop those meds...I think you catch my drift. Knocking wood...

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