Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Coon encounter...

I'm going to start off, before I even get to my story, by saying that I didn't take this picture. I googled it. I procured Glenn's truck to make a quick trip to the grocery store, and before I left I had a quick debate with myself as to whether I should take the camera along, but....I decided that there wasn't a point. Boy, was I wrong...

As mentioned, I headed out for a quick trip to the grocery store. Kroger, to be precise. I had a couple bags of garbage to toss on the way. Here at the condos, we don't have dumpsters scattered here and there. There is a communal garbage dump/compactor near the entrance. (There are several condo developments here that kind of share the same garbage dump.) It is very common to see condo denizens pull up to the big metal structure with bags of refuse plopped on their hood or trunk. We throw ours in the bed of the truck. That being said...

Not too long ago, the condo management folks erected some chain link fencing around the top of the compactor. Before it was open from all sides, but now there is an opening at the top of the wooden stairs for tenants big enough for a full garbage bag. When I first saw it my assumption was that it was becuase of the racoon and cat population. Passing by there early in the morning, I observed on more than one occassion the clean-up people dealing with scattered food containers and the like. Figured it was an attempt to keep the local animal life from dragging garbage out of the garbage.

So...I pull up in the little pull-off by the compactor, turn off the engine and glance over to the wooden stairs before I hop out. A dozen or more sets of eyes are looking back at me. All racoons, but for one black cat. The cat appeared to be their lookout. The racoons ranged from small to medium dog size. Was rather impressive. I got out of the truck and they really didn't move. At least half of them were chewing, so I obviously interrupted a meal. I stood there and shook my keys at them. (Actually, I did debate about whether or not I was going to go up and dump the garbage at all...all of those wild critters were kind of intimidating.) Only a couple casually lumbered down and disappeared around the side. It wasn't until I walked around to the side of the truck closest to them and began grabbing the bags of garbage out of the back that they figured I was going to approach. The cat split, and all but one of the racoons. He held out until I started up the small set of stairs. My over-all experience with racoons is that they're pretty mellow if not cornered. Then they turn into a raging ball of fur and teeth.

So I get up there and lift a bag to toss it through. It was at that moment that I learned that I wasn't alone. A rather tubby racoon was on the inside and to the left of me...maybe six inches away. He made an attempt to squeeze under the fencing (I had seen a couple of others do that), but it appeared that his girth was too much. He just kind of sat there, not looking at me...I could almost hear his internal racoon dialogue. lol I just dumped my garbage, said bye, and left.

So...that was this weeks trip through "Wild Kingdom". Really wish I had the camera with me...

Friday, January 22, 2010


Went for one of my short little jaunts this evening. Wanted to get out before dark for some 'snappies' (pictures). It wasn't going to be a particularly long walk (my joints can't take the cold like they once could), but I knew being out in the cool air and a bit of nature would help my mind a bit. I've been under a considerable amount of stress for quite a long time now, and it has been especially bad over the last several months. It has spiked a bit recently. Some of my chief sources of stress will be negated soon, and that's just dandy with me.

Trees. As I was walking around this evening I was admiring the trees. Many of them are rather sparse right now because of the time of year, but for me that makes them all the more interesting to look at. For some reason the Rush song "The Trees" came to my mind and I wondered. What if trees had a consciousness? I know the song talks about a disagreement between the Oaks and Maples, but to me...trees are watchers. They stand there and observe. They do serve purposes to different forms of life (shade, home, etc.), but they just seem to be mellow and non-confrontational. They don't make assumptions about other trees' motives, bad mouth one tree to other trees that know that tree, threaten or cajole, twist the whisperings or rustlings of another tree to suit their needs. No. Trees are simple. Honest. I like trees.

Am I feeling a little melancholy? I was earlier. It is a bit hurtful when someone attacks your character. When they talk down to you and try to make you feel like crap. Yeah, I'm venting a little bit, but as you can see by this entry I'm not one to stoop to the same or a similar level. Details and names haven't been included because I'm not like that. I've been through a lot and a lot of it hasn't been easy. I've been going through all of this for a reason. I believe that everything happens for a reason. The light at the end of all of it is in sight, and that's what it's all about. I know how and who I am, just like my true friends and family do.

I'm going to sign off now. The final "Tonights Show" episode with Conan is starting...

Friday, January 15, 2010

This & That...again...

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Whenever I sit here in front of the computer to begin a 'share' session, rant, or just an all out mental regurgitation I always tend to mentally self edit before I start writing anything. Guess it's the 'Writer' aspect of my personality. Pretty sure it has been a major contributor to the bout of writer's block I have been dealing with. 99% of the time I'm able to just blow stuff out onto the page in a stream of consciousness type of flow. Most times it works for me. I'm usually happy with what I 'spew'. As I've mentioned more than once on here, the main function of this blog was to help me work through and past said writer's block. To just sit down here and let whatever comes out...come out. It does appear to be helping. I'm about to dive back into a book I'm working up. Moving right along...

It's continued to be on the chilly side here. When I moved here in November of '08, to say it was cold would have been an understatement. It was FREEZING! It was definitely the fact that I had lived in L.A. for almost 20 years. Doesn't get that cold back there. Comparatively, anyway. Well, I've been able to condition myself this year. Work up to it. Going out for my little picture taking strolls around the condos here has helped. After putting on my thick "Hercules/Xena Crew" sweatshirt my dad gave me (he was head writer and an exec producer on 'Hercules'-that shirt is really toastey), possibly my denim jacket, gloves, and my ski hat, I grab the camera and head out for a traipse. Think that word describes things perfectly. I go out for a traipse. Hah! It really helps my head. My stress level. The air here isn't filled with L.A. 'funk'. I can look up and see stars. City sounds (cars, gay neighbors having screaming/door slamming fights-I lived in West Hollywood) are absent. Every once and awhile I'll hear a helicopter, but nothing like West Hollywood. The copters were so loud and frequent, I always expected to hear 'The Flight of the Valkeries' in the background. There's more wildlife. Boats, marshes, spanish moss, cat tails. It's just so different from L.A. and welcome. I needed a change. Badly. I got one, and I couldn't be happier about that.

The pictures I posted above are primarily from a "traipse" I took on Wednesday evening. The first couple are from a couple of weeks ago. I located the opening into the world of the feral cats. There is a huge area of vines by the transformer station I always see them around. Looks like it has formed a sort of cave-like environment for them. You'll notice the food dishes...I know the old women here who feed them mean well, but it is against the law and it just contributes to the over population problem. That's a whole rant unto itself that I dare not go into right now. Moving right along...

I have one picture I took during my jaunt that's down Stephen King trail. I was expecting (and hoping for) a bit of an adventure, but it was a might disappointing. There is a stream that continues into the trees and brush down at that end of the marsh creek behind us here. I walked into the S.K. trail opening and the initial forest (I've posted pictures of that little bit before) and started down the little hill to the waters edge, and...that was kind of it. The little area there reminded me of the type of place my high school friends and I would visit to smoke and drink beer. lol I did see a heron back through the trees. The white of its feathers really stood out. Don't know what it was doing back in there, but suspected it might have been scoping out the muddy area around the waters' edge looking for something to munch on. There were other 'things' crunching through the blanket of twigs, leaves, and pine needles, but I didn't get a visual on anything. Might have been a cat, raccoon, squirrel...maybe even an opossum (those suckers are mean).

The other snappies are from this past Wednesday. I found myself taking random pictures of...nature, I guess. At one point early on I started taking pictures of round things. Some rounder than others. Don't know why, but there ya go. Tried to be interesting, but didn't try too hard. Just enjoyed being outside in the breezey quiet, the only sounds being natural. Of nature. Thinking back I only encountered two people while I was out. A woman on her deck overlooking the marshes (lucky...she has a beautiful view) that I exchanged a smile and a 'hello' with, and a man walking his dog who I exchanged pleasantries with. Oh and there was one more. A woman walking a yappy Shitzu who between yapping sessions gave gutteral grunts because he was pulling on his leash and his owner had him in a choke chain. He was pulling up on his hindlegs in my direction and wagging his tail while she yanked back and averted her eyes. I said hello to his walker and she didn't even blink. Was like I wasn't there. Oh well. That's a rarity here in Savannah. People on the whole are really nice. I continued taking pictures until the batteries in the camera died. I walked back to the condo just as Glenn was getting home. He had been off renewing the truck insurance. That reminds me...need to get more batteries...

Yesterday was a loooooong day. Saw my doctor on January 4th and it was at that visit that he asked me to stop my thyroid meds. Said everything looked really good, so he wanted me to stop the PTU (propylthiouracil). Well, this week I wasn't feeling entirely 'fine'. Things I had experienced before in varying degrees in connection with my hyper-thyroid. Wednesday night I decided that I needed to brave going into the clinic as a walk-in to see Dr. Metz. He told me to come in and see him if I had issues from my thyroid, so that's what I did. Headed out, made a pass through the Mickey D's drive-through for a coffee, and went to the clinic. Arrived at 9:50am. Let me just say that I'm glad I took a book. Sat in one of the chairs in the front until about 2:30 when I was moved to the Adult Medicine waiting area. So...around 5:00 (yes...I said 5:00) I knock on the door to where the nurses are and ask how long it will be. The nurse who comes a minute or so later, asks me my name and says she'll find out. Ten minutes later, another nurse comes out (one I've dealt with before there) to tell me that Dr. Metz has gone home for the day. Can't tell you how thrilled I was to hear that. NOT! She said I could come back the next day or did I want to see someone else? There was no way I wanted to go another day without some sort of medication, so I saw a nurse practitioner who I had not met with before. She had obviously looked in my file and saw that I have RA, so she came in and started going on and on about that, and how I need to see a rheumatologist, and how I need to be on medication so my joints don't get all deformed, and BLAH, BLAH, WOOF, WOOF! I could hardly get a word in at first. Finally I was able to tell her that I was diagnosed awhile back, it's manageable, I'll deal with going to a specialist some other time, and don't you think you should have asked me why I was there in the first place?! Didn't say that last part, but almost did. I had other more pressing issues to find out about. I left with the agreement for me to go back on my meds at half my previous dosage, and I'll check in with Dr. Metz at my regularly scheduled visit at the beginning of March. Met with (I don't even remember her name) ol' whats-her-face, and hope not to in the future. She wasn't the most personable...person...and of course that's a great trait for someone in the medical field to have...sheesh... At least I'm on something until I see Dr. Metz. I couldn't go for over a month without it. I know my thyroid all too well. Ya know, back when I met with him on January 4th and he said my thyroid looked really good and to stop my meds, I should have said out loud the thought that popped into my head..."Gee, my thyroid probably looks really good because I'm ON MEDS!" But I didn't...

Think that's enough for now. Need to go fill my tummy. Left over stroganoff. Yum.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Think the above picture illustrates my thoughts about snow falling here on the Georgia coast, but the weather folks are saying we might very well see some flakes here. Tomorrow. Yes, it has been pretty darn cold...

Lets just say that if any snowflakes fall around here...I've got 'Ripley's' number on speed dial...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside...

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Yes, it is cold here in Savannah. Bitingly cold. (40 degrees at the moment.) So what do I do? Decide to go for a walk. No place new. Just around the condos, to revisit some of my usual photo spots. After all seasons change which in turn changes the weather. The result is always a visible one, too. Wanted to snap a few current pictures for the old blog here. Ansel Adams I'm not, but I work with what I got.

Walking is a peaceful practice for me. I really enjoy it. However, even though I threw on a sweatshirt, jacket, gloves, and a hat, the cold wind was able to knife its way in. Especially on my hands. I've really noticed that cold and my RA do not get along. At all. I've had to slip on my gloves when it was in the 50's. Next walk, I think I'll have to double up.

As expected, everything was brown. Dormancy and death fall over plant life...most of it will be reborn in the spring. Lots of cat tails over by the marshland stood tall and brown. The wind was particularly biting over there as there aren't very many trees and no buildings in the way. The ducks were paddling around on the pond, but this time they had company. A couple of herons, one white and one dark brown. Well, I know the white one was a heron...assuming the brown one was, too. After I left the pond, I walked around the end of a building to the parking area behind it and headed towards the mailbox kiosk. Wanted to check the mail before heading home. On the opposite side of the parking area are trees and vines. And cats. Couldn't see them, but I felt eyes on me. Think it's pretty much a given that anyone who's outside is being watched by a member of the local feral colony or 'clowder' (I looked it up and a group of cats is called a 'clowder'). I got proof that at least one set of eyes was watching me. An orange tabby with a white chest sat calmly watching me pass by. He didn't really flinch when I stopped to snap his picture, but I could tell he was coiled like a spring and would have sprung into the growth if there had been any sign that I was going to approach. Anyway, I finished my outting and headed home to thaw my hands out. They were so cold they hurt. Oh...and orb spider friend, Spike, is still hanging in there. Was worried the groundskeeper crew would have trashed her web by now, but I've been pleasantly surprised.

Had a doctors appointment yesterday. Was just a regular check-up. I go in every couple three months because of my hyperthyroid condition. Yesterday was different. Met with Doctor Metz (an old southern doctor, and quite a character) and shared some things and asked some questions. He was quite pleased to hear that I 'kicked the habit'. (Something I have been afraid of was that I might have gained a few since I ceased with the stick gunning...I have. Guess what my next goal is...) We discussed a few other things and then he went over my meds with me. Had my bottles with me per usual, and he picked one up. The one that contained my PTU (propylthyoricil) for my thyroid. He then said, "I want you to stop taking these. Your thyroid has been looking really good." My heart shifted up towards my throat a bit. Stop taking my PTU? I said, okay, but I was slightly nervous about the prospect. I told him I was a bit nervous about doing that since in July of 2005 I was rushed to the UCLA ER in the throes of a thyroid storm that almost killed me. (I had been taken off of my meds by my L.A. Endocrinologist quite awhile before that and as I didn't have insurance and thought I was okay, failed to see her for a long time. Turns out I was far from okay.) I was all set to pick up a PTU refill I had called in once I finished with Doctor Metz, but apparently I wouldn't need to. He said to come on in if I have any problems, but to see him in two months. I still feel a little weird about not taking my thyroid meds. Don't get me wrong, if my thyroid is better...Yay! I'll be a happy camper. It's just that having a near death experience because I wasn't taking meds I needed to be taking, and now being told to stop those meds...I think you catch my drift. Knocking wood...

Mission Not So Impossible...

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Finally, the timing was right. Had the camera with me, fresh batteries in the appropriate chamber. Had it in the seat next to me, so no fumbling with the glove box latch. Camera powered on and lens opened.

I was coming back from the morning paper run and as I came around the bend by the trash compactor, I noticed a couple of the skinnier and somewhat skittish cats of the clan looking at me with huge eyes and raised hackles. Poised to dash into the bushes at any sign of approach. Wasn't interested in them, but their presence made me a bit more hopeful that Vinnie might be hanging about somewhere. As I neared the small stand of trees between the driveway and the transformers, I saw Vinnie. It was almost like he was waiting there for me. (Of course, I know he wasn't...sheesh...) Couldn't have planned the photo op any better. He was casually curled up, tail curled around him, cleaning himself. I had been rolling up slowly and he did take notice of the truck. He froze for a second and looked over at me...quite uneffected by the whole situation, really. (He has such a mellow vibe about him. Think he's probably lived that life all of his life. As long as the big pale creatures keep a respectable distance, he doesn't really care what they do. That kind of vibe.) I turned off the radio and cranked the window down, and he resumed his cleaning. I was at least 25 or 30 feet away, so I had to use the zoom to get a decent picture. It's a bit fuzzy and doesn't entirely show his coloring, and I'm not entirely sure if the pictures will convey just how big he is...well...take it from me. He's big.
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Okay, so I can now check that off of my list. Woo-hoo...

Monday, January 4, 2010


Had to venture into the outside world today. Had a doctor appointment. Before I headed out the front door, I made sure I had the camera with me. Didn't want to miss a photo op for my current mission...snapping a picture of the beast of the condos, Vinnie the Feral Cat King.

I took it a bit slow past the tree lined area near the garbage compactor scanning around for any sign of feline activity. I did see a skinny black cat dart into some bushes, but other than that...squat. My 'Vinnie' sightings had taken place earlier in the A.M., so I wasn't too surprised to not see him strolling around. The other times I saw him, I got the distinct impression that he was appearing according to a daily schedule. Figured that he was out for his morning consitutional and garbage dive.

After leaving my appointment and picking up a newspaper for Glenn, I headed back home. Came back down the freeway, hung a right, hung a left into the condos...and then it happened. I was driving past the cat sighting area and there, sitting on the cement slab by the transformer station, was the huge and imposing Vinnie. I mean, for a cat he's imposing. A bruiser. I was so excited. I was going to get a picture of him. Proof that this large specimen of a cat existed. I slowed to a stop and luckily no one was behind me. He was hunkered down chewing on something. Not really phased by the fact that there was a human in a big rolling metal thing frantically pawing at the glove compartment (that's where I had stowed the camera). Vinnie just continued chewing, glancing lazily at me a few times. So, I get the glove compartment open and get the camera out. I had some music playing rather loudly in the truck (Keane) and turned the CD player off so as not to spook him. Slowly I rolled the window down, glanced into the rearview mirror (still no one coming - yes!), and pressed the 'on' button. It appeared to light up, but nothing else happened. The lens shutter didn't open. It didn't make that ding-y sound it makes to say 'Hey! I'm ready!'. All I could hear was...(insert Pac Man dying sound effect). Damn batteries appeared to be dead. I looked up to see Vinnie wipe his chops with his paw and lift his large frame from the slab. I continued to push the on/off button a few more times with the hope that it might decide to work all of a sudden. No such luck. Sadly I accepted that my photo op had passed and watched Vinnie slowly walk away into the nearby trees and bushes.

Is this a portent of what's to come? Is photographing Vinnie going to become my quest for the Sasquatch or Yeti? Frustrating technical difficulties happening with each attempt? Will I ever succeed in capturing this creature on film? Am I being overly dramatic?

Yeah...I kind of am.

My mission continues...stay tuned...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cat Tail...

I know I've mentioned the feral cat population around here. They all look different, but I'm sure they are highly inbred at this definitive breeds amoung them. I've often wondered how many people who live here have lost their once human friendly pets to the pack...pride...whatever you would call a group of feral hou...cats. I started to call them 'house' cats, but I'm not sure if the bulk of them could be categorized that way as I'm sure they were born in the wild. At any rate, I mention the feral cats for a reason. As I've definitely mentioned more than once, I've been dealing with insomnia and a less than desirable sleep schedule lately. Each morning rather early (around 8:00 or 9:00) I venture out for Glenn's newspaper and sometimes a Mickey D's coffee (the hot mocha is quite tastey). The past couple of mornings I have seen a particular cat. A cat with presence. Bigger than the average house cat, he walks strongly along, ears flattened, and a look on his fuzzy face that says "nobody better fuck with me". The moment I saw him I thought 'he's the cat in charge'. I don't exagerate when I say that he's the size of a small dog. Not a tiny, shakey, Barney Fife Tea Cup Chihauhau sized dog...I can't even think of a breed that would be a good comparison. Lets just say that for a housecat, he's a big'un. His coloring says 'tabby', his ears tipped with white like a Lynx. Stocky in build, you can tell that he's solid. I'm sure that he keeps the other local cats in line. Shows them who's in charge. He lumbers around the area over near the trash dump like its his turf. (I don't have any real proof, but I suspect that the cat 'clan' lives in that general area. I see them around there most of the time.) Nothing seems to phaze him. He walks along with purpose. He just exudes 'tough'. The other cats I've seen in that area are very skiddish. That's why I think Vinnie is the head honcho. Yeah...I've named him 'Vinnie'. He seems like a Vinnie. Ya know, I've mentioned how I want to explore down Stephen King Trail. Believe I've also mentioned that when I passed by the mouth of S.K. Trail that evening right around Halloween, I heard the screaming and wailing of cats. Inhuman sounding and dark, I can invision what that cat fight might have been like. Vinnie either looking on, or participating...protecting his turf...knocking a challenger to his throne back a peg or two. A major contender in the cat world. (Maybe one day when I have the camera with me I'll have another sighting. I'll post a pic so you'll see what I mean.) I'm sure the scene I picture in my mind is more dramatic than the actual event. My creative writers' brain turns it into a scene out of a fantasy novel. Like 'Tailchaser's Song', or something like it. It's the only fantasy novel about cats I can think of...

Why did I mention this? For whatever reason, I thought it worth mentioning. I've always liked cats. Had them when I was younger. As I've gotten older, I've developed more of a fondness for dogs. Think a dog is the pet I would choose now. However, a cat like that would be my kind of cat. The only drawback would be whether or not I could pet him. Something tells me if I tried to, I'd draw back a nub...


I was listening to the radio in the truck as I was running an errand and they were playing some blasts from my past. Felt like I was back drinking a cherry coke at 'The Plantation' skating rink snack bar with my friends. They played the above song, "Band of Gold" (Boy, Freda really looks enthused, doesn't she? Talk about walking through a performance...can hardly see her lips move. Looks like she's going to fall asleep.), "Have You Seen Her" by The Chi Lites (couldn't find a YouTube video that featured the old radio play version of that one), and a few others I'm going to share. Thought I'd spread my 'skate' down memory lane via my!

I absolutely love that Badfinger song, "No Matter What". Have a feeling it's going to be stuck in my noggin for awhile. Actually that's not a bad thing...for days now I haven't been able to get "Tiny Bubbles" out of my head. It's been so ingrained in my brain cells, I catch myself singing it while I'm doing housework. ARGH!!! (No offence, Mr. Ho.)

How cute was K.C. back then? Dig that 70's feathered hair. I sported 'wings' myself.

I better stop soon...listening to the above songs is making others pop into my head. Need to show some restraint. The next one is REALLY terrible, but when it was popular the DJ at 'The Plantation' played the stuffing out of it. It's another one of those songs that gets stuck in the head...

Okay, I know...the above Rasberries song isn't really 'skate-able', but I like the song and...well, I posted it anyway. The Badfinger song made me think of it.

I encountered a whole plethora of serious cheese from the late 70's on YouTube that'll just have to wait. I'm greatly tempted to tack it on to this, but I shall refrain. It falls under a different theme entirely...the "Tiger Beat" and "16 Magazine" theme. But, that's for another day.