Sunday, June 7, 2009

I Have Returned

I've been more than a little remiss in keeping up with my blog. In other words, I started a blog to get my writing juices flowing, and had been failing to use it for the purpose intended. SO...I'm jumping back in...

I am now convinced that I'm falling apart. Physically, not mentally. (Although the physical does have a tendency to affect the mental.) Finally got set up at the local clinic here in Savannah, and have had my blood drained, and have been probed (won't go into finer detail than that) and prodded. Since July of '06, when I was hospitalized for three days due to a major thyroid storm that almost killed me, I have had to take pills for my hyper thyroid. The docs at UCLA hospital told me I have full blown Graves Disease, so...I suppose that's what I got. My current check-up appeared to be okay, but I have to go back in for a thyroid scan. The goiter on my neck feels pretty enlarged, so no telling what the scan will show. Maybe I'll always have an enlarged thyroid...I don't know. In addition to that, I got some uber-strength Ibuprofen for my RA (which has been in overtime - I'm assuming because of the humidity o' the south). Plus, I've known that I have bone deterioration in my neck as it was seen on x-rays taken when I was in the hospital, but it hadn't really seemed to cause any real problems until about three months ago. Major, tear inducing pain shooting down my right arm that (other than the neck pain of my thyroid storm) is the most pain I've ever felt. I'm suspecting it's pinched nerves. The clinics x-ray was down (of course), so hopefully by the time I go back in to see the doctor at the beginning of August, it'll be back in working order. The 'other' doc I saw thinks I might possibly be starting through my "change"...woo f-in' hoo... I mean, I'm not going to have any kids so it really wouldn't matter to me, but..."when it rains, it pours" springs to mind. Just a lot of big pain in the hoo-hah stuff hitting at the same time. Oh well, as I said, feel like I'm falling apart. Guess I should just be glad I'm getting it all checked out, and leave it at that.

Moving right along......

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