Monday, April 26, 2010

The Talkin' picture box...

There are a few things I watch regularly on the tube. Some of them are drawing to/have drawn to a close for the season.

The first of the two reality shows I've been watching from the past several months has been 'Project Runway'. I was thrilled that my favorite designer won, Seth Aaron. His designs were the most interesting. The chick (can't remember her name) had some nice stuff, but it was so derivative. (I guess that can be said about most designers if you really analize what they can always come up with someone they are similar to.) Its just that when I saw a lot of her stuff, I felt like I had seen it before. The main reason that I liked Seth Aaron's stuff is that I think he had a clear message as to who he is in the clothing he makes. The other guy (can't recall his name either) was just not that good. I know he won several challenges throughout the season, I know that the judges really liked his clothing...I just didn't see what they did. IMO the judges have crappy taste. He said his Fashion Week designs were inspired by his mother and her friends. I believe it. They looked very matronly, and the color pairings were hideous. Anyway, I'm very happy that things came out the way they did.

The other reality show I've been watching is RuPaul's Drag Race. The season finale is tomorrow night, followed by the behind the scenes show, followed by the reunion show. The reunion should be a real hoot...there have been some cat fights throughout the season, so I think the opera gloves might come off for a few of the 'ladies'. As for the final 3...Jujubee seems like a sweetheart and I think she has talent. Until she gets to lip-synching, that is. She does this very exagerated gaping mouth thing. She just looks like she doesn't know the lyrics. Tyra (the Beyonce worshiper/wanna-be) has won a number of challenges during the season, but I don't see why. Her make-up is always very blotchy, and messy looking...she has a deep mono-tone voice that she makes no effort to mask when she's in drag...I'm surprised that she's made it this far. As for the third gal, Raven, I'm pulling for her. She has a mouth on her and does critique others a bit harshly, but she is stunning. It's all up to RuPaul. She's been making the judgements throughout the season, so it's all up to her. Since she has picked Tyra as the winner on several challenges, I'm thinking she might pick her again. We shall see...

On a side note: I was acquainted with RuPaul in the early/mid-80's. My mother was renting the lower level of a two-story house in mid-town Atlanta from a gal who knew Ru before 'she made it'. He was a really nice guy. I'm assuming he still is. I've heard reports from people that have met him since RuPaul established 'herself'...they've said that the ego was huge. It does seem to happen to a lot of people. Oh well...

The other shows I watch regularly are still 'The Ghost Whisperer' (currently in reruns), 'Supernatural', and 'The Big Bang Theory'. Supernatural has been a bit silly this season, but highly entertaining. 'Big Bang' is just a hoot. Sheldon cracks me up. (There are elements of him that remind me of several people I've known over the years.) I also watch just about anything that deals with the supernatural (shows about ghosts/hauntings, psychics...that kind of stuff). Oh! almost forgot...also watch 'Stargate Universe'. It's actually really good. In some ways it's typical of other shows that have dealt with a group of people from earth traveling in the footsteps (or in this case the flight path) of a lost race, not knowing what happened to the other race or where they will end up...and all the while hoping to find a means to get back to earth...but it's entertaining. Which is one of the most important elements of a show I'll watch.

The last thing I'll mention is a movie I watched the other night. Well, tried to watch is more like it. 'Repo! A Genetic Opera' showed up in the free movie section of OnDemand, so I checked it out. What a piece o' crap. The fact that Paris Hilton is in it should have deterred me. Anthony Stewart Head (Giles from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'- a show I dug) couldn't even save it. Paul Sorvino is in it and...well...all I can say is William Shatner is Poverroti compared to him. The music was bad, the lyrics were even worse...the first thing that sprung to mind was that the producers were trying to cash in on a crowd similar to the one that shows up every weekend to see 'Rocky Horror'. Fat chance... 'Repo! AGO' is just one giant crap sandwich.

Nuff said...

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