Monday, December 28, 2009

Next stop, the New Year...

Christmas 2009 is now behind us, albeit by a few days. As expected, it was very lowkey. We didn't go to any trouble with decorations, but then I personally haven't for several years now. I did string a ribbon to hang the christmas cards we received. Also got a small Poinsettia plant. ( This puts me in mind of a disagreement I had with someone I worked with a number of years ago. They were talking about how they just thought that the red blooms on a Poinsettia were beautiful. I told them that Poinsettias don't have flowers on them...that the red they thought to be flowers are actually leaves. Thought everyone knew that.) but those couple of 'festive' touchs were all we did. Was fine with me. I do love the smell of a tree though. Wouldn't even have to decorate it. I'd just smell it. Yes, I know...I'm weird...

Christmas Eve we ventured up to our usual haunt, The Islander. Shot several racks of pool. I did okay. My arthritis had been kicking up a bit, so I was taking it easy on my hands and arms. Didn't want to push things. Did make a number of shots I was happy with...and some I wasn't. The usual. Weren't very many people there. Glenn said that he's been up there on Xmas Eve when it was dead, and he's been up there when it was packed. 2009 was a dead one.

Christmas day was slated to be another lowkey one. However, Glenn's nephew was supposed to join us for a meal in the later half. Glenn gave him a ring and told him to be over at 4:00. That was a little before noon. My hands and right arm had been bothering me a bit, as well as my right leg and foot. Well, things got worse quickly. They usually do. My hands got so painfully stiff I couldn't use them at all, and the numbness was making my right hand feel dead. My leg and foot were cramping up, too. Had the charlie horse from hell and that kind of forced me into suggesting that maybe we could postpone having Wynn over until the weekend. I hated to even suggest it it being Christmas, but I was kind of stuck. I was in a lot of pain and I couldn't use my hands at all. Kind of puts a damper on cooking a meal. Plus, I knew I wasn't going to be much company. I've been experiencing a screwy sleep schedule for a number of days now (up all night, sleeping some during the day but not much) which can make one kind of 'poopy'. Glenn gave Wynn a call and we pushed his visit to Saturday or Sunday. Saturday was a little better for me, but we decided to make it Sunday. Sunday came and I felt even better, so Glenn called Wynn and told him to let us know if he would like to join us at 4:00. We never heard back. Was all for the best really...I ended up conking out in the recliner, and Glenn wasn't feeling well. I told him he had 'Christian Bale as Batman' voice. So there is my scintilating recounting of the festivities here in Savannah. You can wake up now...

So next up is the New Year. Need to do some reflecting. Some looking forward, too. Think that'll be the next entry. 2010 is going to be a great one....and it's about damn time...


  1. Here's wishing you and yours a beautiful New Year, Lisa!

  2. The same to you, Lee, and the young-uns. Here's to a great 2010!
