Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Xmas is nigh...

Christmas 2009 is two...COUNT 'EM TWO...days away. It still doesn't seem possible that the year is at an end. 2010 is on the horizon. It's going to be a great one. After the past few years I damn deserve it. Not going to get into details...don't feel like spending the better part of the day explaining everything. (It's an extremely convoluted tale.) I also don't want to bore the buhjeesus out of anyone.

Glenn and I are planning a mellow Xmas day. As I mentioned in my prior entry, the holidays aren't really something I 'get into' anymore. Was more of a big deal in my youth. Back when loot was "important". When I was at the age where it was important for me to be able to return to school and share that I got that Mrs. Beasley doll, or the Easy Bake Oven I wanted. I did pick up a few small things to give Glenn. Nothing major, but a little something to unwrap. Some of it useful. Some of it silly. Expect there will be football on the tube for the better part of the day. I'm a hockey fan, so I don't have a clue as to the football schedules. Since football is in the cards, I made the announcement that I don't feel like cooking up a big meal like I did on Turkey Day. It'll be hot wings and nachos. Basic bar munchie fair. I imagine there will be the requisite amount of beer consumed, as well. Glenn will be extending an invite to his nephew Wynn. We had him over for Thanksgiving. Glenn is really the only immediate family Wynn has locally. The plan is for Glenn to find out if he's going to come. I need to know no later than tomorrow. I refuse to brave the Kroger after today. Christmas Eve day is historically a nightmare for grocery shopping, so I'd rather not participate in the madness.

What does today hold? Well, as I mentioned I'll be hitting the Kroger for a few things. I baked a ham over the weekend and I've now got a great meaty ham bone I plan to make a pot of pea soup around. (I've got a fantastic pea soup recipe that I grabbed from the Food Network web site.) Got a lemon bundt cake to make, too. I should just go ahead and refer to it as a lemon 'butt' cake cause some of it's going to end up as part of mine. Ya know, can't say that I can recommend to anyone to stop smoking right before the holidays. Balloon city. Well, I guess it could be worse. I haven't been chowing down that bad. The one thing I can say (with heaps of satisfaction) is that I haven't smoked since October 10th. I'm nearing two and half months without a cigarette sticking out of my face. Just stopped cold turkey. I do occassionally crave one (when I'm drinking coffee, when we're shooting pool at The Islander), but not to the point where I would consider sparking one up. Anyway, the holidays are pretty much a time of increased calorie consumption for everyone, and I'm no exception. Activity is the key for me. Haven't been the most active. Have been heading out for walks here and there (love taking walks), but not as much as I would like or as much as I should. A number of months ago, Glenn's mom gave me a bike she had here in Savannah at Glenn's brother Jeff's house. It's a great bike, and I'm really jazzed about starting to ride it. It's good to go but for one thing. The seat. It's got a racing seat on it. A narrow, hard, wedgie inducing seat. I've always had a wide caboose, so before I start peddling around I need to get a new seat. Did some looking online to see what's out there, and how much they cost. Not as expensive as I thought they would be...$15 to $20 bucks. A new cushier, wider, butt friendlier bicycle seat is really the only thing I need to get me riding around. There is a great bike path that passes through the entrance to the condos. I've walked sections of it on a couple of my walks...walked to the end of it in one direction, and have yet to explore the other direction. The unexplored portion looks like it passes into a pretty woodsy and viney area. Looking forward to that. At any rate, there are some good trails designed for bike riding. Earlier today Glenn was asking me what I want for Christmas, so maybe I'll ask for a seat. Anyway...

Okay, the grocery store at some point today, but what else? Probably some house cleaning..woo hoo... Maybe I'll get out for a walk. That talk about needing to be more active has motivated me.

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