Thursday, March 4, 2010

Today's activities...or lack there of...

I've had a lethargic day. Just like yesterday. Just like the day before that...and the day before that...and the...well, you catch my drift. This whacked out sleep schedule is getting to be a routine, and I don't like it. A bit. That coupled with medical issues has me very low energy. ~yawn~

Today I had a check up with the doc. My usual thyroid/arthritis maintenance visit. It was the usual 'chat about me' deal. The doc arrived, we chewed the fat a bit about how I've been doing, and discussed any issues I've had since I last saw him. I mentioned my lethargy. Mentioned the extreme pain I've been having in my right arm, in addition to the usual arthritis pain. You know, I have a high tolerance for pain, so if I'm in tears...well, there's a lot of pain going on. I was at the clinic a couple hours. Had an EKG (came back fine), a shot of B-12 in me arse, a few vials of blood sucked out of my arm, and I left with a couple of new prescriptions. Well, techinically one was new, the other was just a bigger dosage of a medication I've been on for awhile. The new pill is a pain killer. As a rule, I only take a pill if it's necessary. I know there are people who will self medicate, or take pain pills that a relative had left over, but I'm not one of those people. The episodes of pain in my right arm are just too extreme. When they hit...well, it sucks. I don't know if I could even properly articulate the type of pain I get. It lasts for hours, and I basically just have to wait it out. The pain med I got is called 'Tramadol'. It's supposedly new, doesn't make the taker feel drugged (a huge plus in my book), and the side effects are minimal. It'll be nice just to have something on hand if I can't endure one of my 'events'. My doctor has taken it, so he speaks from experience (Dr. Metz is a bit long in the tooth, so I expect he does have his aches and pains). I'd dig some input if anybody that reads this has taken Tramadol.

Well, I've blathered as much as I can for now. Time to go throw some hot wings in the oven. wings....


  1. Sorry to hear of the pain sitch. Hang in there, baby. On a bloodier note- Mama j'adored Sweeney, too! That Burton/Depp combo has got it goin' on! Next up- Alice!

  2. From a couple of friends who have fibromyalgia:

    "Yeah, it doesn't do much for either of us - it's a fairly mild painkiller for people. However, our Anatolian does well on it. :) Tramadol does help a lot of people, just make sure that whomever is taking it, like with most pain meds, to eat lots of fiber.

    Basically, it's fairly mild and nothing scary or to be worried about taking as directed."

  3. Nancy: Thanks for that. The doctor I've been seeing didn't say anything about fiber. I'm hoping the Tramadol will help. I don't care for taking heavy duty meds. So many of them have major side effects. He did say I could take Tylenol with it, so maybe if the Tramadol alone doesn't do much, the combo will do something. I just want a 'go to' pain reliever that will give me relief when my right arm goes into massive pain mode, and in the least harmful way possible. It gets to the point where I feel like amputating. :)

    Pam: I haven't had many disappointments with the Burton/Depp partnership. Well, one. Burton had made so much noise about how the original "Willy Wonka" with Gene wilder was such crap, and that he was on a mission to make a movie of "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory" that would do the book justice. I had high hopes when I finally saw it, but I left it preferring the Wilder version. Depp was fittingly creepy as Wonka (I've never seen him give a bad performance), but all the Oompa Loompa stuff was so lame! When the credits rolled, I was disappointed. "Sweeney Todd" made up for it though. I love that movie! I watched it two days ago, and I've still got "Pretty Women" running through my head...Depp and Rickman are brilliant on that. REALLY looking forward to "Alice". Glenn and I just have to find a theater that isn't showing a 3D version...neither one of us can watch 3D (unfortunately).
