Saturday, September 18, 2010

Back to Music City...

I'll be venturing north to Nashville this coming week. Picking up load two of some furniture and other items from my mother's condo. Initially, we were going to rent a trailer, but decided that we should be able to get everything with Glenn's truck. It'll take some creative packing, but I'm good at that. If there are some stragglers (a few boxes) they'll just have to wait until I go back up for trip three to get the car.

My mom had started giving away some of her things. Gradually. My feeling is that she was gearing up for having to move into a retirement/nursing home of some sort. Because of her Alzheimer's. She said that she wanted to give me her car, so...I'm getting her car. It's a 2000 Audi TT Coupe. Gun metal grey with black leather interior, and silver chrome fixtures. Quite spiffy looking. When I was in Nashville for mom's service, I had an opportunity to drive it. Let's just say that it's not really possible to go for a leisurely drive in the thing. It won't let you. First wants to 'go'. It flies, and corners magnificently. I just find it interesting that mom bought the thing. I mean, I know why she bought it, just seems like it would be way too much car for her. It is quite manageable for me though. Is it a car I would buy for myself? No. Do I think it's cool, and am I looking forward to having it? Yes. I'm in need of wheels of my own, so I'm very happy to have some on the way. Even if they fly like a bat outta hell. I'll probably have to wait until probate is finished to pick it up, and that's fine with me. Have no inkling of probate procedure, but things like the car and mom's condo have to go through certain procedures. I guess. As I idea about probate procedure. Thanks, mom. I'll take great care of it.

Plan to make the round-trip in about three days. Meaning go up one day; load the truck; drive back the next. Should be completely doable. Not really looking forward to the long drive (about 9 to 10 hours each way), but it really isn't that bad. At least we won't have to worry about dragging a trailer behind us. That would reduce our speed and tack on some more time. I am looking forward to seeing my aunt and uncle again. We'll be crashing at their place. My brother, Mike, and a friend of his will be there, as well. He's renting a trailer and driving down from Maryland. That's a major reason why I'm traveling up for my second trip when I am. Figure it makes the most sense. It'll be good to see Mike, too.

As for the above picture, it has absolutely nothing to do with Nashville. I went for a short walk to the mailbox, and took a detour down by the marsh. Saw a rather large grey heron (at least I think it's a heron...there are a lot of them around here) sitting on top of one of the decaying dock posts I photograph quite a lot.


  1. Have a good trip. That's great news about the car!

  2. Thanks! Yeah, I'm quite thrilled to be getting a vehicle. It'll be so nice to have my own wheels. I do use Glenn's truck when I need to, but it's not like I could get a job an hour away and use it daily. Buses don't run much out here on the island either. Not like in Savannah proper. Or Los Angeles, for that matter. I got so spoiled when I rode the bus in L.A. Just go to a bus stop and most have one come every 15 minutes.
