Friday, February 5, 2010

Tuning in...

I've had more than one friend post (Facebook, blogs, etc.) what they're currently watching on the tube, so I am following suit. It'd be nice to find out if anyone else is watching any of these.

Supernatural: I've watched pretty much every episode of this one from the get-go. It falls within my favorite genre these days...the 'supernatural' (hehe). From the first episode, it had a definite creepy factor that I dug. Far more creepier than many of it's predecessors. This season they are delving deeper into the war between angels and fallen angels, and the destruction of Satan before he can gain power over the earth. Sam and Dean Winchester (main characters) are potential vessels...Sam for Satan, and Dean for Michael...who would then duke it out (world domination, survival of the human race, that sort of deal). Neither Sam or Dean are having it, so this past week Michael basically told Dean to get used to the idea because it's all part of a plan and he can't avoid the inevitable. We'll see where they go from here. From previews for next week, it looks like they're taking a nod at Valentine's Day 'Supernatural' style...A crazed Cupid is on a rampage. Something that adds to my enjoyment of the last couple of seasons is the rather fetching Castiel (pictured above), played by Misha Collins. Kind of Sam and Dean's angelic sidekick, who in some respects adds a bit of comic relief. The current storyline could have been really cheeseball, but the writers have made it work and made it entertaining. Hopefully, it'll continue to hold up.

The Ghost Whisperer: I have watched this one off and on since it hit, but have avidly watched the last couple seasons. Tried to get into it when it first aired, but it had the vibe of 'Touched By An Angel' with ghosts and didn't grab me. A few seasons back it took a 'dark' turn, and has a bit more of an edge. It still leans towards outcomes of the touching variety more often than not, but it doesn't always end with puppies and kittens. They haven't made many changes that mark doom for the show (no shark jumping at this point), but I was worried when they introduced Melinda and Jim's son into the mix. In the storyline, one episode Melinda has her baby and next episode it's five years into the future. I suppose I can understand why they did it in terms of writing (would imagine it's more interesting to write a five year old character than a baby). He has inherited 'talents', but it's not quite clear what they are as of yet. So far so good. The jury is still out.

Big Bang Theory: Really the only new sitcom that I make a point of watching. I've been asked, "But are there really people THAT geeky in the world?" My answer? Yes, yes there are. The characters have been crafted well. Sheldon Cooper has to be my favorite. Very intelligent and lacking any sort of social skills. I can safely say that there are elements of all of the characters that remind me of people I have known over the years. Some I used to play D&D with. I think it would be quite entertaining to sit in on one of their campaigns...although, if Sheldon were DM I could see that getting a little challenging. lol

Lost: Lost 'lost' me at one point. It just got too carried away with itself. I got back into it about a season and a half ago, and have committed to watching this final season. (Glenn is even onboard, and he never really had any desire to watch the show.) In keeping with the flow of it, the season opener left more questions than answers. Frankly, it has me worried. I don't want to feel ripped off when the curtain falls. The creators have said they've always known where the story was going and how it would end...that it has an end...that it was always planned that way. Well, they've got a pretty convoluted mass of storylines going, and I just hope they are able to bring everything to a satisfactory conclusion. I REALLY hope they don't leave questions unanswered on purpose. I hate that. True, I've only invested in about 80% of the entire run, but that's still a hefty time investment. If they're planning to leave things unanswered for 'dramatic effect'...I have a can of whoop ass with they're names on it. That just translates to cheating for me. An easy way out. But, I'll try not to put the cart before the horse. I'll kick any pre-judgement to the curb.

There are a few others I watch that fall into the 'Reality' category. I'll get to those later. TTFN...


  1. Oh,'ve hopped on the LOST plane w/ Mama! Can not wait for the season to unfold...

  2. Supernatural sounds like something I would like. I wonder if it's on Hulu or Netflix. . . I hardly ever watch actual tv when it comes on - I just can't seem to keep up with the schedule. We do usually watch 30 Rock - that's the only show that I actually know when it's on. I got tired of Lost after Season 4. But I was thinking about trying to catch up. . .

  3. Yeah, I decided I'd watch the end of 'Lost'. I had to step away from it for awhile because it seemed to start doing what another show I loved ('Twin Peaks')did..."HEY! If you think that was really weird and confusing, take a look at THIS!"

    I would think Hulu or Netflix would have 'Supernatural'. Think most of the seasons are on DVD, and those sites seem to show most series that have gone that route. They do have complete episodes on the official site (, but I don't know how far they go back.
