Saturday, January 2, 2010


I was listening to the radio in the truck as I was running an errand and they were playing some blasts from my past. Felt like I was back drinking a cherry coke at 'The Plantation' skating rink snack bar with my friends. They played the above song, "Band of Gold" (Boy, Freda really looks enthused, doesn't she? Talk about walking through a performance...can hardly see her lips move. Looks like she's going to fall asleep.), "Have You Seen Her" by The Chi Lites (couldn't find a YouTube video that featured the old radio play version of that one), and a few others I'm going to share. Thought I'd spread my 'skate' down memory lane via my!

I absolutely love that Badfinger song, "No Matter What". Have a feeling it's going to be stuck in my noggin for awhile. Actually that's not a bad thing...for days now I haven't been able to get "Tiny Bubbles" out of my head. It's been so ingrained in my brain cells, I catch myself singing it while I'm doing housework. ARGH!!! (No offence, Mr. Ho.)

How cute was K.C. back then? Dig that 70's feathered hair. I sported 'wings' myself.

I better stop soon...listening to the above songs is making others pop into my head. Need to show some restraint. The next one is REALLY terrible, but when it was popular the DJ at 'The Plantation' played the stuffing out of it. It's another one of those songs that gets stuck in the head...

Okay, I know...the above Rasberries song isn't really 'skate-able', but I like the song and...well, I posted it anyway. The Badfinger song made me think of it.

I encountered a whole plethora of serious cheese from the late 70's on YouTube that'll just have to wait. I'm greatly tempted to tack it on to this, but I shall refrain. It falls under a different theme entirely...the "Tiger Beat" and "16 Magazine" theme. But, that's for another day.

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