Thursday, April 9, 2009

I had always vowed that...

...I would never venture into the world of the Blog. Many reasons would instantly spring to mind. "Too much of a time commitment." "I couldn't possibly sit down and write something (which I would then re-read, edit, judge to be either too trite or insipid-*similarities will follow later in this entry) that I would most likely delete because I'm my own worst critic, thus wasting my time and never posting a bloody thing." "Why write out verbose diatribes that friends will most likely endure the reading of out of a sense of camaraderie?" The list could (and does) go on, blah blah woof woof. Let me say that there is a greater purpose to this Blog's creation. A purpose that, I hope, comes to grand fruition.

I'm experiencing a writing block. That's the chief reason, pure and simple. I have a few projects that I have been wanting to work on. Really. I've just reached the end of the proverbial tether in terms of my frustration level. *Writing, re-reading, editing, deleting. In that order. Then a friend's Blog came to mind, and it occurred to me that starting one of my own might help me break through my wall. It has apparently worked for others, why not me? So here I am. The grand purpose of this Blog: to help cure my current bout of Writer's Block.

Starting a Blog had seemed fairly simple in theory, but I hit yet another snag. What the hell should I name the thing? I would like to say a virtual plethora of ideas spilled out of my grey cells, but...well...the going was slow. I did create a blog that I quickly eighty-sixed under the moniker "D'ya want fries with that?" (Even now I look at that title and it makes my upper lip curl like I've smelled something extremely bad.) A few others ran through my head and quickly exited. Nothing was 'working'. Then it hit me. Something that seemed appropriate. Something that seemed to make sense for what I was going to use it for. At least to me...anyway...

When the super computer Deep Thought was created to hash out the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, it came up with 42. Took it 7 1/2 million years, but it fulfilled it's mission. It gave its answer. But what was the ultimate question? Ahhhhh...for that Deep Thought had no answer, BUT if another even better aparatus were built to supply that... Thus the Earth was created. The grand experiment. (There are a lot of other nuances and events to the story that you'll have to read Douglas Adams' work to learn cause I'm not going to relate them here.)

I realize that to those who are unfamiliar, this title is a bit on the esoteric side. To those 'initiates' who read this, I think you'll get why I thought this to be an appropriate title for a Blog.

And, yes...I know where my towel is.

1 comment:

  1. I always loved the TV version of Hitchhiker's guide when Arthur found the question to the answer (what do you get when you multiply 6 x 9, if I recall correctly) so he says "I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe."

    Good start!
